MSU Billings Catalog

The Department of Biological and Physical Sciences


ASTR 110 Introduction to Astronomy. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Surveys the historical highlights and traditional topics in classical and modern astronomy, such as the solar system, sun, planets, galaxies, and the universe. Examines exotic objects such as quasars, pulsars, and black holes. Presents discussion of recent discoveries, modern cosmological theories, and current unsolved problems. Background in high school algebra is strongly advised.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

ASTR 111 Introduction to Astronomy Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Corequisite(s): ASTR 110.

Introduces students to the night sky. Illustrates the difference between real and apparent motions in the heavens. Develops useful observational techniques and an appreciation by the student of the broad range of phenomena in the Universe.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

ASTR 191 Special Topics. 3 Credits

Prerequisite(s): ASTR 110.

Provides the opportunity for students who have completed the survey course to explore a number of special topics in depth. These may include the Big Bang and alternate cosmologies, the dark matter problem, the galaxy formation problem, the dark sky paradox, supernovae, black holes, and/or other topics of current interest.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci


BCH 380 Biochemistry. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 160, CHMY 211 or CHMY 323.

Corequisite(s): BCH 381.

Covers structure and function of biomolecules, biocatalysis, bioenergetics, as well as metabolism and its control.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BCH 381 Biochemistry Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Corequisite(s): BCH 380.

Complements the lecture material presented in the corequisite.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BCH 480 Advanced Biochemistry I. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): BCH 380.

Corequisite(s): BCH 481.

Provides students with an opportunity to study advanced topics in biochemistry. Serves as an extension of BCH 380 exposing students to advanced aspects of biomolecular structure and function as well as metabolism and its regulation.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BCH 481 Advanced Biochemistry I Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): BCH 380.

Corequisite(s): BCH 480.

Exposes students to advanced research methodologies in biochemistry. Utilizes project-based labs to complement the lecture material in the corequisite.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BCH 491 Special Topics. 1-12 Credits

Prerequisite(s): determined as needed.

Provides students with an opportunity to take courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a particular need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand before requesting a regular course number.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

Biology: General

BIOB 101 Discover Biology. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Includes discussion of the most important concepts in biology. Lectures cover cells (structure and physiology), genetics (cellular reproduction, genes, the nature of heredity and evolution), and the diversity of life (plants, animals, microorganisms and their ecological relationships). General Education course for non-science majors.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 102 Discover Biology Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Corequisite(s): BIOB 101.

Includes laboratory exercises from different areas of Biology. Introduces students to experiments designed to examine major conceptual ideas in Biology such as cells, cell reproduction, metabolism, molecular genetics, evolution, and diversity. Students currently enrolled in an online section of BIOB 101 will be given preferential access to an online section of BIOB 102.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 121 Fund of Bio for Allied Health. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Includes discussion of basic biological principles, beginning with the molecules of life and ending with the evolution of the major human organ systems. Emphasizes the fields of biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, and evolution, focusing specifically on the roles they play in current human form and function. Recommended General Education course for non-science majors pursuing a career in health care.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 123 Fund Bio: Nature of Nutrition. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Addresses the core principles of biology from the perspective of nutrition science. Focuses on the roles of biological molecules in animal and plant organisms, cellular function and energy metabolism, genetic expression and mutations, evolution of mechanisms for nutrient procurement and utilization, and the human role in the food chain and its impact on the biosphere. Introduces contemporary issues such as genetically-modified organisms, microbiota and food-borne illness, and sustainability of food supplies. Recommended General Education course for non-science majors pursuing a career in education, social or health sciences, or human services.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 160 Principles of Living Systems. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Corequisite(s): BIOB 161 and CHMY 141 or CHMY 104.

Emphasizes principles of biology related to the unity of life. Covers cell structure and function, cellular metabolism and mechanisms of energy trapping, cellular reproduction, genetics, evolution, and a brief introduction to ecology, classification and biological diversity.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 161 Principles Living Systems Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Corequisite(s): BIOB 160.

Includes laboratory exercises related to topics discussed in BIOB 160.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 170 Principles of Bio Diversity. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 160.

Corequisite(s): BIOB 171.

Emphasizes the diversity of life. Covers viruses, bacteria, protists, fungi, plants and animals. Focuses on eukaryotes.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 171 Principles Bio Diversity Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Corequisite(s): BIOB 170.

Includes laboratory exercises related to topics discussed in BIOB 170.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 260 Cellular & Molecular Biology. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 160, BIOB 161.

Corequisite(s): BIOB 261.

Covers the molecular basis of eukaryotic cell structure and function. Topics include nuclear structure and function, intracellular compartmentalization and protein storing, membrane structure and function, signal transduction pathways, mechanisms and regulation of the mitotic and meiotic cell cycles, and tissue formation and maintenance.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 261 Cellular & Molecular Biol Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 160, BIOB 161.

Corequisite(s): BIOB 260.

Complements the lecture material presented in the corequisite.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 291 Special Topics. 1-12 Credits

Prerequisite(s): determined as needed.

Provides students with an opportunity to take courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a particular need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand before requesting a regular course number.

Lecture Hours 1-12

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 294 Seminar/Workshop. 1-6 Credits

Provides students with specific deficiencies the opportunity to take selected portions of the required Biology sequence. Lectures and laboratories to be attended, and credits to be earned are determined by biology faculty.

Lecture Hours 1-6

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 298 Internship/Cooperative Educ. 1-9 Credits

Provides university credit for a sophomore work experience in the area of Biology, supervised by faculty. Learning agreement must be completed prior to registration (restricted).

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 315 Animal Development. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall (even years)

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 260.

Introduces the reproductive and developmental patterns in animals. Covers the embryonic and postembryonic developmental processes emphasizing cellular differentiation, the generation of form and shape, growth regulation, and developmental control mechanisms. The second half of the course emphasizes the genetic and molecular control of development, organized around our current understanding of commonly studied model organisms.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 375 General Genetics. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 260, BIOB 261.

Corequisite(s): BIOB 376.

Covers the basic principles of genetics from both the classical and molecular point of view. Topics include Mendelian and non-Mendelian concepts, chromosome theory of inheritance, linkage and gene mapping, structure and function of DNA, regulation of gene expression, mutations and fundamentals of population genetics.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 376 General Genetics Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Corequisite(s): BIOB 375.

Includes laboratory exercises related to topics in BIOB 375.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 410 Immunology. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring (odd years)

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 260, BIOB 375, BIOB 425 is recommended.

Includes fundamentals of immuno-chemistry, cellular immunology, immunogenetics and clinical immunology. Lab required.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 425 Adv Cell & Molecular Biology. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 375, BIOB 376, BCH 380, BCH 381 and CHMY 323.

Corequisite(s): BIOB 426.

Covers the molecular basis of gene expression and inheritance in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Topics include transcription, RNA processing, translation, regulation of gene expression and DNA replication. Emphasis is placed on understanding the experimental underpinnings of molecular biology.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 426 Adv Cell & Molecular Biol Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Corequisite(s): BIOB 425.

This laboratory complements the lecture material presented in the corequisite.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 487 Bioinformatics. 4 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 260 and BIOB 375; BCH 380 recommended.

4cr. Introduces the field of bioinformatics through an overview of genomics and proteomics. Students will receive hands-on experience with biologically relevant databases, DNA sequence comparisons, structure analysis of macromolecules, phylogenetics, microarrays and proteomics. Through the integrated lab, students will be introduced to the development and implementation of experimental design. Data generated in lab will be used to provide real world examples correlated to topics covered in the Bioinformatics lecture. Students will present the results and conclusions of experiments in relevant scientific formats.

Lecture Hours 3, Lab Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 490 Undergraduate Research. 1-6 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing in Biology or consent of advisor.

Involves intensive study of a specific problem related to biology. A contract describing the study must be completed at the time of enrollment.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 491 Special Topics. 1-12 Credits

Prerequisite(s): determined as needed.

Provides students with an opportunity to take courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a particular need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand before requesting a regular course number.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 492 Independent Study. 1-3 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing in Biology or consent of instructor.

Provides advanced students an opportunity to explore material not covered by regular Biology courses. A contract describing the study must be completed at the time of enrollment.

Lecture Hours 1-3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 494 Seminar/Workshop. 1-3 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing in Biology or consent of instructor.

Provides advanced students an opportunity to investigate intensively topics pertinent to the field of Biology.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 495 Fieldwork. 1-3 Credits

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 170 and BIOB 171 or consent of instructor.

Provides an opportunity through summer field experience at the MSU Billings Biological Field Station or tour courses to study quantitatively and/or qualitatively the fauna and flora of ecosystems.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 498 Internship/Cooperative Educ. 1-9 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

V1-9cr. (1-9 other/wk) Provides university credit for a work experience in the area of Biology, supervised by faculty. Learning agreement must be completed prior to registration (restricted). Also allows students to earn credit for assisting in teaching biology laboratory classes.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOB 499 Senior Thesis/Capstone. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): Senior standing in Biology.

1cr. (1 other/wk) Integrates and synthesizes knowledge and experience developed through the various courses in the biology program. Provides students opportunities to learn about current research in various scientific fields by attendance at seminars presented by science faculty, guest speakers, or classmates. Students will learn how to present research data and/or scientific journal articles, as well as participate in discussions and critiques of scientific presentations. Also provides a forum for students to present results of independent research projects or topics as assigned.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

Biology:  Ecology

BIOE 202 Intro to Environmental Ecology. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 101 or BIOB 160.

Introduces interactions of organisms with each other and with their physical surroundings in the context of populations, communities, ecosystems, and landscapes. Emphasizes major global problems, energy resources, pollution, and sustaining biodiversity and ecological integrity.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOE 370 General Ecology. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 160, BIOB 161.

Corequisite(s): BIOE 371.

Covers the concepts of evolution and ecology. Includes speciation, physiological, behavioral, population and community ecology as well as energetics and nutrient cycling.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOE 371 General Ecology Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Corequisite(s): BIOE 370.

Includes laboratory exercises related to topics in BIOE 370.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOE 483 Evolution & Ecology. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring (odd years)

Prerequisite(s): BIOE 370 and BIOE 371.

Corequisite(s): BIOE 484.

Examines advanced topics in evolutionary biology and ecology, focusing on critical discussion of theory and the literature. Content varies but topics may include mechanisms of evolutionary change, evolutionary genetics, sexual selection, evolutionary biogeography, coevolution, and evolutionary developmental biology among others.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOE 484 Evolution & Ecology Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring (odd years)

Corequisite(s): BIOE 483.

Includes discussion of primary literature and computer simulations related to topics in BIOE 483.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

Biology: Human

BIOH 301 Human Anatomy & Physiology I. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 121 or CHMY 141 and one General Education course chosen from the Life Sciences category (BIOB 121 is preferred).

Recommended: CHMY 123. Includes detailed study of the physiology of cells, tissues, bone, muscle, and the nervous system. This is primarily a course for pre-professional students and those with a major in the health sciences.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOH 302 Human Anatomy & Phys I Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): One General Education course chosen from the Life Sciences category or concurrent enrollment in BIOH 301.

Includes detailed study of the anatomy of skeletal, integumentary, muscle, and nervous systems. Involves examination of body parts at both the gross and microscopic levels.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOH 311 Human Anatomy & Physiology II. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): A grade of “C-” or better in BIOH 301, or consent of instructor.

Corequisite(s): BIOH 312.

Includes detailed study of sensory physiology, cardiovascular system, respiratory physiology, gastrointestinal system, renal physiology, endocrinology, and reproduction. Lab required.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOH 312 Human Anatomy & Phys II Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Corequisite(s): BIOH 311.

Includes a study of physiology of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal, and reproductive systems using the laboratory approach.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOH 382 Fundmntls of Medical Histology. 2 Credits

Prerequisite(s): BIOH 301 or consent of instructor.

(Odd Sp) Provides a focused study of microscopic structure and function of human cells, tissues, and organs. The course integrates both lecture and laboratory experiences. Laboratory experience will emphasize identification of specimens via light microscopy.

Lecture Hours 2

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOH 383 Biology of Human Reproduction. 2 Credits

Prerequisite(s): BIOH 301 or consent of instructor.

(Even Sp) Provides a focused study of the structure and function of the various human reproductive organs. Emphasis will be placed on the roles of the endocrine and nervous systems in influencing virtually all aspects of human reproduction. Clinical correlations involving typical pathologies will be included.

Lecture Hours 2

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOH 405 Hematology. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall (odd years)

Prerequisite(s): BIOH 301, BIOH 302, BIOH 311, BIOH 312.

Corequisite(s): BIOH 406.

Studies the function, biochemistry, cell biology, and pathology of blood and its constituents.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOH 406 Hematology Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall (odd years)

Prerequisite(s): BIOH 301, BIOH 302, BIOH 311, BIOH 312.

Corequisite(s): BIOH 405.

Covers methods for examining white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Includes the examination of abnormal blood cells, hemostasis, and fluorescent antibody cell sorting analysis.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOH 470 Summer Clinical Lab. 12-15 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

Studies clinical immunohematology, clinical chemistry theory, theory and practice of phlebotomy, clinical hemostasis, clinical microscopy and urinalysis, clinical body fluids, theory of modern transfusion techniques, and theory of clinical microbiology. This is the first part of the year-long professional training core. Clinical lab science fee applies.

Lab Hours 12-15

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOH 471 Professional Training I. 12-15 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Consent of Instructor.

Provides training at a clinical laboratory affiliate. Reviews clinical immunohematology, clinical chemistry theory, theory and practice of phlebotomy, clinical hemostasis, clinical microscopy and urinalysis, clinical body fluids, theory of modern transfusion techniques, and theory of clinical microbiology. Performs actual patient laboratory testing under the guidance of trained professionals. This is the second part of the year-long professional training core. Clinical lab science fee applies.

Lab Hours 12-15

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOH 472 Professional Training II. 12-15 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Consent of Instructor.

Provides training at a clinical laboratory affiliate. Covers financial and quality management information for the clinical laboratory, advanced immunohematology, clinical chemistry, clinical microbiology, and clinical hematology. This is the third part of the year-long professional training core. Clinical lab science fee applies.

Lecture Hours 12-15

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOH 491 Special Topics. 1-12 Credits

Prerequisite(s): determined as needed.

R-3 Provides students with an opportunity to take courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a particular need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand before requesting a regular course number.

Lecture Hours 1-12

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

Biology: Micro

BIOM 208 Applied Brewing Microbiology. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Introduces the fundamental aspects of yeast fermentation and microbiology relevant to brewing. Some basic microbiological principles will be presented, followed by explanations of the various brewing/quality-impacting processes brought about by biological activity, as well as means of monitoring the brewing process. This course includes laboratory exercises.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOM 250 Microbiology for Hlth Sciences. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): One General Education course chosen from the Life Sciences category or BIOH 201.

Recommended: CHMY 123 and BIOH 301. Surveys the fundamental principles of microbiology, while emphasizing the relationship of microorganisms to infectious disease. Designed as an introductory course in microbiology for nurses and health-related majors. Lab optional.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOM 251 Microbiology Hlth Sciences Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Corequisite(s): BIOM 250.

Emphasizes techniques for the isolation, identification and control of microorganisms. The lab is intended for allied health science students requiring an introductory microbiology laboratory.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOM 360 General Microbiology. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 260, BIOB 261, two years of Chemistry.

Corequisite(s): BIOM 361.

Introduces the anatomy, physiology, metabolism and genetics of bacteria and viruses. Surveys the roles of microorganisms in industrial and environmental microbiology as well as infectious disease.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOM 361 General Microbiology Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Corequisite(s): BIOM 360.

Emphasizes fundamental techniques for the isolation, manipulation and identification of bacteria. An experimental approach is used to solving problems in microbiology.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOM 400 Medical Microbiology. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring (even years)

Prerequisite(s): BIOM 250 or BIOM 360.

Includes a study of pathogenic microorganisms and the diseases they cause. Pathogenic mechanisms, host resistance, control and epidemiology of the major bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoan diseases are discussed. Lab optional.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOM 401 Medical Microbiology Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring (even years)

Prerequisite(s): BIOM 251 or BIOM 361.

The laboratory emphasizes diagnostic methods and culturing techniques.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOM 427 General Parasitology. 2 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring (odd years)

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 260, BIOB 375.

Studies the life cycles, biochemistry, molecular parasitology, pathogenesis, identification and treatment of the major parasitic groups, including parasitic protozoa, monogeneans, digeneneans, cestodes, nematodes, acanthocephalans, and parasitic arthropods.

Lecture Hours 2

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOM 491 Special Topics. 1-12 Credits

Prerequisite(s): determined as needed.

Provides students with an opportunity to take courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a particular need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand before requesting a regular course number.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

Biology: Organismal

BIOO 320 General Botany. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 160 and BIOB 170, or consent of instructor.

Provides an overview of the foundational concepts of botany. Topics covered include anatomy, physiology, diversity, and ethnobotany.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOO 321 General Botany Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Corequisite(s): BIOO 320.

Provides an experimental learning opportunity for topics covered in General Botany.

Lab Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOO 433 Plant Physiology. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring (odd years)

Prerequisite(s): BIOO 320.

Corequisite(s): BIOO 434.

Examines the physiological basis of plant survival, including water movement, mineral nutrition, gas exchange, solute transport, photosynthesis and environmental plant physiology. Includes physiological aspects of plant growth and development, including hormones, morphogenesis, biological clocks and plant responses to temperature. Integrates plant physiology from biochemical and physiological perspectives.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOO 434 Plant Physiology Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring (odd years)

Corequisite(s): BIOO 433.

Includes exercises related to lecture topics in BIOO 433, with emphasis on the physiology of selected plants in Montana. Examines physiological aspects of plant growth, development and survival by acquainting students with a variety of methods used to investigate physiological processes in plants.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOO 435 Plant Systematics. 2 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall (even years)

Prerequisite(s): BIOO 320.

Corequisite(s): BIOO 436.

Includes systems and methods of plant classifications as well as collection, identification and preservation of the local flora.

Lecture Hours 2

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOO 436 Plant Systematics Lab. 2 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall (even years)

Corequisite(s): BIOO 435.

This laboratory complements the lecture material presented in the corequisite.

Lab Hours 2

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOO 450 Vertebrate Zoology. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring (even years)

Prerequisite(s): BIOB 170 and BIOB 171.

Surveys the vertebrate classes, focusing on classification, morphology, physiology, ecology, behavior, and evolutionary history of each group.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

BIOO 451 Vertebrate Zoology Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring (even years)

Corequisite(s): BIOO 450.

Complements the lecture material presented in the corequisite, with an emphasis on identification of Montana vertebrates.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci


CHMY 104 Preparation for Chemistry. 4 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): Basic knowledge of algebra is recommended; if you do not have this knowledge, please consult with instructor.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 106.

4cr. (3 lec/1 other/wk) Prepares students to succeed in the one-semester CHMY 121 or two-semester CHMY 141/CHMY 143 College Chemistry series by developing necessary mathematical and scientific problem-solving skills. The primary goal of the course is to help students attain the tools necessary to learn chemistry through developing the knowledge and skills required to look at the world at the atomic scale. Students will review relevant algebra skills, refine study habits critical to learning chemistry, and develop thinking patterns used to solve chemical problems, such as recognizing mathematical relationships in data and manipulating mental models to explain macroscopic phenomena. The course will explore and explain several of the theories and concepts of chemistry for incoming students. The focus of CHMY 104 will be chemically relevant algebra, the scientific method, periodic table interpretation, chemical nomenclature, balancing chemical equations, stoichiometry, and gas laws. Each topic will include a special focus on the procedural math associated with related problem-solving tasks. The course consists of three 1-hour face-to-face lectures per week plus a more personal 1-hour integrated recitation each week. The recitation will focus primarily on problem recognition, interpretation, and solving skills.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 106 Preparation for Chemistry Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Corequisite(s): CHMY 104.

1cr. Designed to develop analytical and critical thinking skills as well as laboratory practices and techniques to reinforce CHMY 104 lecture material. This course will cover correct identification and use of common laboratory equipment, practical application of common concepts in chemistry (significant figures, periodic trends, titration, balanced chemical equations, unit conversion, and dimensional analysis), simple chemical relationships (density, ideal gas law, heat/calorimetry), and the utility and correct procedures in keeping a laboratory manual.

Lab Hours 2

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 121 Intro to General Chemistry. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): M 095 or equivalent.

Covers the fundamental definitions of chemistry, structure, chemical equations, solutions, equilibrium, oxidation-reduction, and acid/base chemistry. This is primarily a course for pre-nursing and allied health students.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 122 Intro to Gen Chem Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Corequisite(s): CHMY 121.

Provides laboratory experiences that complement and extend the lecture materials.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 123 Intro to Organic & Biochem. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 121 and CHMY 122.

Covers the basic functional groups, nomenclature and reactions of organic chemistry and provides an overview of biomolecules, biocatalysis and metabolism with clinically relevant correlations.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 141 College Chemistry I. 4 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): M 095 or satisfactory math placement score.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 142.

4cr. (3 lec/1 other/wk) Introduces the student to the fundamental concepts of chemistry, including: elements and compounds, the periodic table, atomic structure, chemical equations, stoichiometry, solution concentrations, gas laws, heat and energy, quantum theory, and chemical boding. Primarily intended for science majors/minors, pre-engineering, and allied health students. The course consists of three 1-hour face-to-face lectures per week plus a 1-hour integrated recitation each week.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 142 College Chemistry I Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Summer

Corequisite(s): CHMY 141.

Lab to accompany CHMY 141. Introduces the tools and techniques of experimental chemistry such as weighing, solution preparation, titration and standardization.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 143 College Chemistry II. 4 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 141 and CHMY 142.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 144.

4cr. (3 lec/1 other/wk) Introduces the student to the additional fundamental concepts of chemistry, including: molecular geometry, solutions and condensed phases, chemical and phase equilibria, kinetics, thermodynamics, and electrochemistry. The course consists of three 1-hour face-to-face lectures per week plus a 1-hour integrated recitation each week.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 144 College Chemistry II Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 142.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 143.

Lab to accompany CHMY 143. Introduces qualitative analysis and other topics to complement the lecture material.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 145 College Chemistry Recitation. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Corequisite(s): CHMY 141 or CHMY 143.

Provides a small class environment where students can ask questions that require answers too extensive or too specific for the lecture setting. The course is designed to enhance the CHMY 104/CHMY 141/CHMY 143 lecture experience by actively engaging students in real life chemical problem solving. Students will use their newly acquired chemistry skill sets to solve multi-faceted chemical problems in small group settings. Students can ask questions about lecture material or homework assignments and receive more individual attention.

Lecture Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 170 Applied Brewing Chemistry. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Introduces the fundamental aspects of malting and fermentation chemistry. Some basic chemical principles will be presented, followed by explanations of the underlying chemistry of steps in the brewing process and quality control monitoring. This course includes laboratory exercises.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 211 Elements of Organic Chemistry. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 143, CHMY 144.

Covers the unique characteristics of carbon, bonding, structure, reactions, nomenclature, and a look into the major organic functional groups. This is a one-semester introduction to organic chemistry.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 212 Elements of Organic Chem Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 143, CHMY 144.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 211.

Introduces the basic techniques used in an organic chemistry lab including crystallization, extraction, distillation, chromatography, and synthesis.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 291 Special Topics. 1-12 Credits

Prerequisite(s): determined as needed.

Provides students with an opportunity to take courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a particular need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand before requesting a regular course number.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 292 Independent Study. 1-4 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor and department chairperson.

Provides an opportunity for freshman and sophomore students to explore material not covered by regular Chemistry courses. A contract describing this study must be completed at the time of enrollment.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 294 Seminar/Workshop. 1-8 Credits

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 298 Internship/Cooperative Educ. 1-9 Credits

Provides university credit for a sophomore work experience in the area of Chemistry, supervised by faculty. Learning agreement must be completed prior to registration (restricted).

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 311 Analytical Chem-Quant Analysis. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 143 and CHMY 144.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 312.

Covers the theoretical foundations of quantitative chemical analysis, as well as an introduction to fundamental instrumental techniques.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 312 Analyticl Chm Lab-Quant Anlsys. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 144.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 311.

Lab to accompany CHMY 311 covering gravimetric, titrimetric, electrochemical and spectrometric analysis techniques.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 321 Organic Chemistry I. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 143 and CHMY 144.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 322.

Covers the nomenclature, structure, reactions and reaction mechanisms of organic functional groups - alkanes through alcohols.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 322 Organic Chemistry Lab I. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Corequisite(s): CHMY 321.

Introduces the common techniques used in an organic chemistry lab, including crystallization, extractions, distillations, chromatography, and synthesis.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 323 Organic Chemistry II. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 321 and CHMY 322.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 324.

Continuation of CHMY 321. Covers the functional groups: aromatics, aldehydes, ketones, acids, acid derivatives, and amines. Also introduces organic spectroscopy.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 324 Organic Chemistry Lab II. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Corequisite(s): CHMY 323.

Continuation of CHMY 322. Provides additional techniques and skills common in an organic chemistry lab, including synthesis and spectroscopic techniques.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 371 Phys Chem-Qntm Chm & Spctrscpy. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall (odd years)

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 323, M 171, M 172 and PHSX 232.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 372.

Introduces the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics, atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding, and the theoretical basis of experimental spectroscopy.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 372 Physical Chemistry Lab I. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall (odd years)

Corequisite(s): CHMY 371.

Demonstrates and amplifies concepts presented in CHMY 371.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 373 Phys Chem-Kntcs & Thrmdynmcs. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring (even years)

Prerequisite(s): M 171, M 172, PHSX 232, CHMY 143.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 374.

Introduces the fundamental concepts of equilibrium, thermodynamics equilibria, and phenomenological kinetics.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 374 Physical Chemistry Lab II. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring (even years)

Corequisite(s): CHMY 373.

Demonstrates and amplifies concepts presented in CHMY 373.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 401 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring (even years)

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 143 and CHMY 144.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 402.

Covers the chemistry of the main group and transition elements. The course includes group theory and its application to modern bonding theories. These bonding theories will be used to explore topics in coordination, organometallic, and bioinorganic chemistries.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 402 Advanced Inorganic Chem Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring (even years)

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 143 and CHMY 144.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 401.

Includes advanced techniques in inorganic synthesis, spectroscopy, and computational chemistry.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 411 Advanced Organic Chemistry. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall (odd years)

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 323 and CHMY 324.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 412.

Covers additional and more advanced topics in organic synthesis, reaction mechanisms, and spectroscopy.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 412 Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall (odd years)

Corequisite(s): CHMY 411.

Provides exposure to more advanced techniques used in organic synthesis and the spectroscopy used for structure determination.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 421 Advanced Instrument Analysis. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring (odd years)

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 311 and CHMY 371.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 422.

Covers the foundations of modern instrumental analysis theory and techniques. Techniques studied include instrumental design, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, electrochemistry and chromatography. Lab required.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 422 Adv Instrument Analysis Lab. 2 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring (odd years)

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 312.

Corequisite(s): CHMY 421.

Lab to accompany and demonstrate the techniques covered in CHMY 421.

Lab Hours 2

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 490 Undergraduate Research. 1-3 Credits

Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.

Students will carry out a contained research project under the supervision of a faculty member, including library and experimental research as appropriate, analysis of the results and the submission of a formal research report upon completion of the project.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 491 Special Topics. 1-12 Credits

Prerequisite(s): determined as needed.

Provides students with an opportunity to take courses not required in any curriculum for which there is a particular need, or given on a trial basis to determine acceptability and demand before requesting a regular course number.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 492 Independent Study. 1-3 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor and department chairperson.

Provides outstanding students an opportunity for research in chemistry. A contract describing the study must be completed at the time of enrollment.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 494 Seminar/Workshop. 1-8 Credits

Prerequisite(s): senior standing in a science major or consent of the instructor.

Students are expected to research and give an hour seminar on a topic from chemistry or a closely related field, and write a paper on the topic as if for publication.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 498 Internship/Cooperative Educ. 1-9 Credits

Provides university credit for a work experience in the area of Chemistry, supervised by faculty. Learning agreement must be completed prior to registration (restricted).

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

CHMY 499 Senior Thesis/Capstone. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): Senior standing in Chemistry.

1cr. (1 other/wk) Integrates and synthesizes knowledge and experience developed through the various courses in the chemistry program. Provides students opportunities to learn about current research in various scientific fields by attendance at seminars presented by science faculty, guest speakers, or classmates. Students will learn how to present research data and/or scientific journal articles, as well as participate in discussions and critiques of scientific presentations. Also provides a forum for students to present results of independent research projects or topics as assigned.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

Engineering:  General

EGEN 105 Intro to General Engineering. 2 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Provides students an opportunity to explore the fields of engineering, engineering technology, and computer science. Other topics include engineering design, career opportunities, professionalism, and ethics.

Lecture Hours 2

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

EGEN 201 Engineering Mechanics-Statics. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): PHSX 220 & PHSX 221.

Corequisite(s): M 273.

Covers the equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies; static analysis of structures including trusses, beams, frames, and machines; coulomb friction, area and mass centroids; and moments and products of inertia.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

EGEN 202 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): EGEN 201.

Covers kinematics, kinetics, work-energy, and impulse-momentum for particles and rigid bodies.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

EGEN 205 Mechanics of Materials. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): EGEN 201.

Covers stress and strain, Hooke’s Law, thermal strain, torsion, bending of beams, combined stress, limit analysis, energy methods, virtual work, and column theory.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

EGEN 298 Cooperative Educ/Internship. 1-9 Credits

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

Geoscience:  Earth Systems

ERTH 303 Weather and Climate. 4 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall (even years)

Presents a semi-technical approach to the elements and controls of weather. Lab required.

Lecture Hours 3, Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

ERTH 491 Special Topics. 1-12 Credits

Lecture Hours 1-12

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

ERTH 494 Seminar/Workshop. 1-4 Credits

Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.

Provides advanced students an opportunity to intensively investigate topics pertinent to the field of Earth Sciences.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

ERTH 498 Internship/Cooperative Educ. 1-8 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

Provides instructional experience in the Earth Sciences program with an opportunity for early exploration of teaching interests.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

Geoscience:  Geology

GEO 101 Intro to Physical Geology. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Corequisite(s): GEO 102.

Presents an introduction to the study of the earth through a study of its materials and composition, structure, geologic processes, surface and ground waters, physical, chemical and biological oceanography.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

GEO 102 Intro to Physical Geology Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Corequisite(s): GEO 101.

Enhances the lecture material of GEO 101 through the usage of experiential activities.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

GEO 205 Mineralogy. 4 Credits

Prerequisite(s): GEO 101.

Surveys crystallography, chemistry and physics of minerals, and mineral field occurrences and associations. Studies will also include identification, classification, and interpretation of origin, chemistry, and mineralogical compositions of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Lab included. Field trips required.

Lecture Hours 3, Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

GEO 211 Earth History & Evolution. 3 Credits

Corequisite(s): GEO 212.

Presents a systematic study of the earth through geologic time by analysis of the geological evolution of earth and its sequence of life forms reconstructed from the paleontological record. Lab required.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

GEO 212 Earth History & Evolution Lab. 1 Credit

Corequisite(s): GEO 211.

Enhances the lecture material of GEO 211 through the usage of experiential activities.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

GEO 309 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall (odd years)

Prerequisite(s): GEO 101.

Introduces and studies the processes of sedimentation, mechanical analysis sediments, environments of deposition, origin and classification of sedimentary rocks, principles and techniques utilized in measuring sedimentary rock strata, facies changes, tectonic framework, biostratigraphic units and paleo-environments. Extensive field and lab work required.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

GEO 315 Structural Geology. 4 Credits

Prerequisite(s): GEO 211 & GEO 212.

4cr. Presents technical approach towards the mechanical properties of Earth materials. Studies the kinematics and dynamics of natural processes on earth materials. Field trip required. Offered in odd spring semesters.

Lecture Hours 3, Lab Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

GEO 490 Undergraduate Research. 1-6 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or consent of instructor.

Provides students the opportunity to conduct a research project under the supervision of a faculty member, including library and experimental research as appropriate, analysis of the results, and the submission of a formal research report upon completion of the project.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

GEO 491 Special Topics. 1-12 Credits

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

GEO 492 Independent Study. 1-4 Credits

Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.

Provides advanced students an opportunity to explore material not covered by regular Earth Science courses. A contract describing the study must be completed at the time of enrollment.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

GEO 498 Internship/Cooperative Educ. 1-9 Credits

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci


NUTR 221 Basic Human Nutrition. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): CHMY 121 and one General Education course chosen from the Life Sciences category (BIOB 121 or BIOB 123 are preferable).

Recommended: CHMY 123. Includes the principles of adequate diets in human nutrition, which involves carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, absorption, digestion, metabolism, and energy utilization as they relate to health and food consumption at different stages of the life cycle. This is primarily a course for health science majors.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

NUTR 411 Nutrition for Sprts & Exercise. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): KIN 105, KIN 106, NUTR 221.

Emphasizes nutrition as it applies to fitness, training, and athletic performance. Topics include macro- and micronutrient requirements and dietary recommendations, energy metabolism, anthropometry, body weight issues, increased nutrient needs during training and competition, and nutritional ergogenics. Application of concepts is reinforced in a nutritional assessment of a volunteer student athlete and educational video project.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Health & Human Performance


PHSX 103 Our Physical World. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): M 095.

Corequisite(s): PHSX 104.

Concentrates on fundamental ideas of physics: energy, forces, and conservation laws. Helps students understand basic principles which underlie and explain all diverse phenomena and structures of the physical world. Emphasizes conceptual rather than mathematical treatment; however, basic algebra skills are required.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 104 Our Physical World Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Summer

Corequisite(s): PHSX 103.

Examines and analyzes the immediate physical environment in terms of fundamental principles through data collection, analysis and the formation of scientifically valid conclusions. Develops an appreciation for the simplicity of basic physical laws and the broad range of phenomena that can be explained by them.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 205 College Physics I. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): M 122.

Corequisite(s): PHSX 206.

Presents an algebra-based treatment of introductory physics covering vector Analysis, Newton’s Laws of Motion, conservation laws, bulk properties of matter, fluid mechanics and wave motion. This is the first semester of a two semester sequence. Students may receive credit for only one introductory sequence: PHSX 205-206 or PHSX 220-232.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 206 College Physics I Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): M 151.

Corequisite(s): PHSX 205.

Laboratory to complement the lecture in PHSX 205.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 207 College Physics II. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): PHSX 205 and PHSX 206.

Presents a continuation of PHSX 205 with a discussion of thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, electric circuits, and the behavior and properties of light (with an emphasis on optical applications). This is the second semester of a two semester sequence. Students may receive credit for only one introductory sequence: PHSX 205-207 or PHSX 220-232.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 208 College Physics II Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): PHSX 205 and PHSX 206.

Complements the lecture in PHSX 207 with emphasis on electricity, magnetism, and thermodynamics.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 220 Physics I. 4 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): M 171 or concurrent enrollment in M 171.

Corequisite(s): PHSX 221.

4cr. (3 lec/1 other/wk) Presents calculus-based treatment of introductory physics covering vector analysis, Newton’s Laws of Motion, conservation laws, bulk properties of matter, fluid dynamics, and wave motion. This is the first semester of a two-semester sequence. Students may receive credit for only one introductory sequence: PHSX 205-207 or PHSX 220-232. The course consists of three 1-hour face-to-face lectures per week plus a 1-hour integrated recitation each week.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 221 Physics I Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Corequisite(s): PHSX 220.

Laboratory to complement the lecture in PHSX 220.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 232 Physics II & Thermo. 4 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): M 171, PHSX 220, PHSX 221.

Corequisite(s): PHSX 233.

4cr. (3 lec/1 other/wk) Presents a continuation of the calculus-based treatment of physics with a discussion of thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, electric circuits, and the behavior and properties of light. Students may receive credit for only one introductory sequence: PHSX 205-207 or PHSX 220-232. The course consists of three 1-hour face-to-face lectures per week plus a 1-hour integrated recitation each week.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 233 Physics II & Thermo Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Corequisite(s): PHSX 232.

Laboratory to complement the lecture in PHSX 232.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 294 Seminar/Workshop. 1-4 Credits

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 343 Modern Physics. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall (even years)

Prerequisite(s): PHSX 232.

Presents the fundamentals of relativity and quantum mechanics with an emphasis on developing the mathematical tools necessary for coordinate transformations, 2nd order partial differential equations, matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 344 Modern Physics Lab. 1 Credit

Term Typically Offered: Fall (even years)

Prerequisite(s): PHSX 232.

Corequisite(s): PHSX 343.

Presents laboratory exercises to complement the lecture in PHSX 343.

Lab Hours 1

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 391 Special Topics. 3 Credits

Prerequisite(s): PHSX 343.

Designed to serve the needs of students who are interested in continued study in physics beyond the introductory level. The course will be devoted to an in-depth study of one of the following topics: electricity and magnetism, classical mechanics, or quantum mechanics.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 490 UG Research. 1-6 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or consent of instructor.

Provides students the opportunity to conduct a research project under the supervision of a faculty member, including library and experimental research as appropriate, analysis of the results, and the submission of a formal research report upon completion of the project.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 491 Special Topics. 3 Credits

Prerequisite(s): PHSX 391 in the area to be continued.

Continues a topic covered in PHSX 391. The follow-up for electricity and magnetism will be electromagnetic wave theory; for classical mechanics will be fluid dynamics; for quantum mechanics will be further analysis of more complicated atomic systems and a study of Dirac’s matrix representation of the Schrodinger equation.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 492 Independent Study. 1-4 Credits

Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor and department chairperson.

Designed to provide the student with the opportunity to study any special aspect of physics which is not offered directly as a course.

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 494 Seminar/Workshop. 1-4 Credits

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci

PHSX 498 Internship/Cooperative Educ. 1-9 Credits

Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci