MSU Billings Catalog

The Department of Business Administration


ACTG 201 Principles of Fin Acct. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Corequisite(s): M 095 or M 098 or student has tested out of M 095 or M 098.

Introduces the concepts and terminology of accounting and financial reporting for modern business enterprises. The course will focus on analyzing and interpreting accounting information for use in making decisions about organizations. Problem solving, critical thinking, and communication skills that are necessary to use accounting information, to form conclusions about businesses and to communicate these conclusions to others will be emphasized.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 202 Principles of Managerial Acct. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 201.

Introduces the concepts and terminology of accounting and managerial reporting for modern business enterprises. The course will focus on the selection and analysis of accounting information for internal use by management. Problem solving, critical thinking, and communication skills that are necessary to use accounting information, to form conclusions about businesses and to communicate these conclusions to others will be emphasized.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 292 Independent Study. 1-5 Credits

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 294 Seminar/Workshop. 1-3 Credits

Provides students an opportunity to investigate topics pertinent to the field of Accounting.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 298 Internship. 1-9 Credits

Lecture Hours 1-9

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 320 Accounting Data Analytics. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

3cr. Develop data analytics skills for accountants. This specialization develops students’ skills of data preparation, data visualization, data analysis, data interpretation, and machine learning algorithms and their applications to real-world problems.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 321 Acct Information Systems I. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper division standing.

3cr. Reviews the components of automated accounting systems and emphasizes control considerations in these systems.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 327 Inter Fin Acct & Reporting I. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 201 and ACTG 202.

3cr. Offers an in-depth study of the theory of financial accounting and reporting and its application to cash, current, and long-term receivables; inventories; plant assets; natural resources; intangible assets; asset impairments; current liabilities; long-term debt; and contingencies. Fair value concepts, present value measurements, and comparisons between U.S. and international accounting standards will be incorporated.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 328 Inter Fin Acct & Reporting II. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 327.

3cr. Offers the theory and practice of financial accounting and reporting. A study of stockholders' equity, dilutive securities, earnings per share, investments, revenue recognition, deferred income taxes, pensions, leases, accounting changes, error analysis, the statement of cash flows, and full disclosure in financial accounting.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 401 Federal Income Taxation. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper division standing and ACTG 327.

3cr. Covers the federal income tax code and regulations as applied to individual taxpayers. Emphasizes understanding tax law with less attention given to preparing tax returns.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 402 Advanced Income Tax. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper division standing and ACTG 401.

Covers advanced topics in federal tax law as applied to corporations, S corporations, partnerships, and other selected topics. Emphasizes understanding tax law with less attention given to preparing tax returns.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 403 Topics in Tax, Research, Plan. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 401.

Corequisite(s): ACTG 402.

3cr. Develops skills for tax research and planning, including the requirements for implementing the planning. Also develops skills in tax topics: deduction for qualified business income, exempt organization, multistate taxation, and taxation of international transactions.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 410 Cost/Mgmt Acct I. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 202.

Admission to upper division standing is not required. Considers the fundamental principles of cost accounting as applied to job order, process, and standard cost systems, and introduces the use of cost information by management in the decision-making process.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 411 Auditing I. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper division standing.

3cr. Presents a theory of auditing by considering the auditing environment, auditing standards, professional ethics, techniques of internal control, audit evidence, audit approaches and the auditor’s report.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 415 Gvnt & Not-for-Profit Acct I. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): ACTG 201, ACTG 202, ACTG 327 (Admission to upper division standing is not required).

3cr. Includes accounting principles, budgeting and cost determination as they apply to governmental units and nonprofit organizations.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 435 VITA. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Provides practical experience preparing federal and state income tax returns for low-income taxpayers.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 436 Advanced Accounting. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper division standing, ACTG 327 and ACTG 328.

3cr. Introduces the theory and practice relative to business combinations and foreign currency transactions and translations.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 438 Forensic Accounting & Fraud. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

3cr. Learn from real-life case studies to develop an understanding of the fundamentals of forensic accounting, including its applications in fraud investigation, fraud prevention, corporate and regulatory compliance, litigation support, and white-collar crimes. Topics include leading practices in executing forensic assignments; relevant accounting professional standards; the regulations and legal requirements affecting engagements; and the linkages between forensic accounting and auditing, internal control, and corporate governance. Students will also explore the ways that forensic and fraud investigation techniques can inform the work of accounting practitioners who serve in more traditional management, financial reporting, taxation, and auditing roles. The course will also emphasize approaches to white collar investigations, including through the application of forensic accounting.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 491 Special Topics. 1-3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper division standing.

Provides advanced students an opportunity to intensively investigate topics pertinent to the field of Accounting.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 492 Independent Study. 1-3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper division standing, consent of department, and approval of the College of Business Academic Programs Committee (CBAPC).

Provides outstanding junior and senior students an opportunity to explore material not covered by regular Accounting courses. Students must complete a Request for Independent Study form and have it approved by the instructor and the Department Chair.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 494 Seminar/Workshop. 1-3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Department: College of Business-All Depts

ACTG 498 Internship/Cooperative Educ. 3-9 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Department: College of Business-All Depts

Business: Finance

BFIN 305 Financial Planning. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- or consent of department.

3cr. Organizing and Managing Your Financial Resources, Protecting Your Financial Resources, and Investing and Long-Term Planning. Provides students of all disciplines with an understanding of the strategies and techniques necessary for analyzing financial situations and investment opportunities from an individual’s perspective. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 316 Quantitative Mthds Bus & Econ. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper division standing or consent of department chair.

Focuses on basic quantitative techniques and models used by business, finance, and economic decision makers to make optimum decisions in real world situations.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 322 Business Finance. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- or consent of department.

Treats all forms of business organizations. Emphasizes control, corporate securities, capital and income management, valuation and capitalization, security markets, and other selected topics.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 420 Investments. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BFIN 322, or consent of department.

Acquaints students with the characteristics of various types of investment securities, the evaluation of certain risks and rewards associated with investment securities, and an understanding of the principles underlying the selection of a portfolio of investment securities.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 422 Intermediate Business Finance. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BFIN 322, or consent of department.

3cr. Gives students who are especially interested in finance an opportunity to learn in greater detail subjects covered in BFIN 322 and to study advanced concepts and techniques useful in the financial world by use of real world case analyses.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 430 Financial Modeling. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BFIN 322, or consent of department.

3cr. Applies financial concepts and theories to realistic situations encountered in business and finance. Employs quantitative modeling techniques using spreadsheets for solving corporate finance and investment problems. Combines finance and business metrics to forecast and make decisions related to pricing securities, investments, divestitures, mergers and acquisitions, and capital budgeting.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 439 Fin Mgmt II: Analysis/Problems. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BFIN 322, or consent of department.

3cr. Applies financial theories to business scenarios using case studies. Integrates the use of financial concepts and tools to make strategic financial decisions in a wide variety of business situations by analyzing, evaluating, and critiquing cases. Covers topics related to corporate finance, investments, risk management, and financial markets.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 441 Adv Analysis Finan Statements. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BFIN 322, or consent of department.

3cr. Analyzes corporate financial statements for decision making. Uses horizontal, vertical, and ratio analyses to dissect financial statements for investment purpose. Employs time series and cross sectional analysis to decipher the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement to monitor the firm internally and assess its financial performance.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 455 Money and Banking. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BFIN 322, or consent of department.

3cr. Covers the mechanics of financial markets, the impact of fiscal and monetary policies, banking and financial institutions and instruments used by business and government, the relationships between interest rates, security prices, risk, exchange rates and world financial markets.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 459 Credit Risk Analysis. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BFIN 322, or consent of department.

3cr. Teaches students how to analyze business financial statements regarding liquidity, cash flow, and most importantly, borrower ability to repay a loan. The course will also use case studies to familiarize students with the concept of the cash flow available to make loan payments by analyzing income and expense payments. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 460 Derivatives and Risk Managemen. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BFIN 322, or consent of department.

3cr. Provides an introduction to derivative securities, their markets and the relation to the markets for real and financial assets. Focuses on the trading and valuation of futures, options and swaps; their uses and misuses; and their role in financial risk management.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 461 Portfolio Management. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BFIN 322, or consent of department.

3cr. Provides a basic understanding of the principles of security analysis and investment management and reinforces this through practical application. Students learn different techniques to value stocks and to generate comprehensive company research reports. This course explores various methods to structure an investment portfolio and to measure its performance.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 464 Fixed Income Analysis. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BFIN 322, or consent of department.

3cr. Introduces students to various types of fixed income securities. Covers fixed income risk and return, fundamentals of credit analysis, asset backed securities, and credit derivatives. Uses advanced techniques to value fixed income securities and their allocations in a portfolio of financial assets. Course is offered fall semester in odd years.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 473 Multinational Financial Mgmt. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BFIN 322, or consent of department.

3cr. Focuses on financial decision making process in a complex international environment. Explores the financial opportunities and challenges to firms operating globally. Defines exchange rate risk and the options available to mitigate that risk. Explains debt and equity financing techniques in foreign markets, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and international investments. Course is offered spring semester in even years.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 490 Undergraduate Research. 3 Credits

Prerequisite(s): ECNS 300, ECNS 302, ECNS 403 or consent of department.

Combines statistical and econometric techniques with economic and financial theories to conduct rigorous research projects in the areas of economics and finance. The project is similar to a thesis and is the sole factor used to determine the course grade.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 492 Independent Study. 1-3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C-, junior standing, and consent of department.

V1-3cr. (1-3 other/wk) Provides outstanding junior and senior students an opportunity to explore material not covered by regular Finance courses. Students must complete a Request for Independent Study form and have it approved by the department.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BFIN 494 Seminar/Workshop. 1-3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- or consent of department.

V1-3cr. (1-3 other/wk) Provides advanced students an opportunity to intensively investigate topics pertinent to the field of Finance.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

Business: General

BGEN 105A Introduction to Business. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Surveys several aspects of business including the U.S. economic environment, social responsibility of business, small business and alternative forms of ownership. Presents concepts of general management, human resource management, marketing, finance, accounting and management information systems for decision making.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BGEN 235 Business Law. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Covers the nature, origin and philosophy of law and civil procedure. Provides a comprehensive treatment of contracts and also emphasizes the advantages and disadvantages of different organizational forms.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BGEN 240 Intro Business Data Analysis. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Applies basic quantitative techniques to solve business problems. Analyzes business data using spreadsheets and other technologies to make optimum decisions.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BGEN 298 Internship/Cooperative Educ. 1-9 Credits

V1-9. Provides university credit for work experience in the business area, supervised by faculty. Learning agreement must be completed prior to registration (restricted). One hour of seminar per week.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BGEN 315 Applied Business Decisions. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- or consent of department.

3cr. Provides opportunity to reinforce and integrate fundamental business knowledge including accounting, economics, quantitative and technology in applied decision making. Focuses on commonly used, business decision-making practices including financial statement analysis, market analysis using descriptive statistics, and risk analysis. Students will participate in an integrated business simulation using business knowledge and technology.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BGEN 360 International Business. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BMGT 335, or consent of department.

3cr. Engages students with the complexities and challenges of doing business in a global economy. Emphasis is on learning about cultural diversity and different approaches to management and negotiation, theories of international trade, exchange rates, and an introduction to elements of importing and exporting. Country analyses and a cross national negotiation simulation are required.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BGEN 405 Laws, Regulations & Research. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper division standing and BGEN 235.

3cr. Covers legal topics, such as a professional’s legal liability and ethical issues, secured transactions, debtor-creditor relationships, agency, bankruptcy, and negotiable instruments. Coverage also includes additional topics such as administrative law, consumer, labor, and includes employment, antitrust, landlord tenant, real and personal property and insurance law.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BGEN 440 Business and the Environment. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BMGT 335, or consent of department.

3cr. Investigates the interaction between business and its physical environment. Material comes from a variety of sources and perspectives, including ecology, economics and public policy. Emphasis is on the evolving concept of sustainability, and emerging best practices in areas of eco-efficiency, product/service design, and closed loop manufacturing.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BGEN 492 Independent Study. 1-4 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C-, junior standing, and consent of department.

V1-4cr. (1-4 other/wk) Provides outstanding junior and senior students an opportunity to explore material not covered by regular General Business courses. Students must complete a Request for Independent Study form and have it approved by the department.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BGEN 494 Seminar/Workshop. 1-6 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- or consent of department.

V1-6cr. (1-6 lec/wk) Provides advanced students an opportunity to intensively investigate topics pertinent to the field of business.

Lecture Hours 1-6

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BGEN 498 Internship/Cooperative Educ. 1-9 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- or consent of department.

V1-9cr. (1-9 other/wk) Provides student managerial level work experience integrating theoretical and applied learning in a business setting. Requires written assignments and classroom participation supervised by faculty. Position and student must be approved through the Guidelines outlined by the College of Business. (Guidelines available in the COB Student Service Center or the Career Services.)

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BGEN 499 Capstone. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of all business core courses and senior standing or consent of department.

3cr. Enables students to analyze and formulate business strategies to attain a competitive advantage. Students use critical thinking, problem-solving, and change management methods in the course. This course is the capstone business course in the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration for all degree options.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

Business: Management

BMGT 292 Independent Study. 1-5 Credits

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMGT 322 Operations Management. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- or consent of department.

3cr. Surveys the tasks which must be accomplished in that part of the organization which produces its service or products. Presents selected critical quantitative models from a managerial perspective. Introduces students to the design of services and products, planning and control, inventory systems and the management of quality.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMGT 329 Human Resource Management. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BMGT 335, or consent of department.

3cr. Presents an overview of the laws and practices involved in providing an organization with the needed skilled workforce. Topics include best practices for handling recruiting and selecting employees, evaluating employee performance, making promotion and discipline decisions, creating fair compensation systems, dealing with sexual harassment and various discrimination issues, and handling union-management relations.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMGT 335 Management & Organization. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- or consent of department.

3cr. Introduces the principles of managing organizations (both public and private). The course familiarizes the student with the skills needed by managers and the best practices used by organizations in a changing global environment. Topics include diversity, globalization, motivation, social responsibility, leadership, strategic planning, group dynamics, and organizational change.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMGT 353 Organizational Behavior. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BMGT 335, or consent of department.

3cr. Studies individual and group behavior in organizations. The course examines how issues such as personality, attitudes, motivation, group dynamics, power, leadership, and conflict management affect individual and organizational performance. The course focuses on how these issues can be managed and utilized to improve employee performance in the workplace.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMGT 422 Project Management. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): BMGT 335 and BMGT 322, or consent of department.

Covers all aspects of project management including project definition, methods and strategy, resource scheduling and allocation, leadership, managing teams, partnering, minimizing risks, benchmarking project progress and performance and project termination and review. Students utilize Microsoft Project to implement and manage a project.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMGT 448 Entrepreneurship. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): BMGT 335, BMKT 325, and BFIN 322, or consent of department.

3cr. Addresses issues typically faced by managers of businesses. Accounting and inventory systems, financial analysis, means of raising capital, management and marketing techniques, and guidelines for writing a business plan are presented. Students will write a business plan.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMGT 467 Supply Chain Management. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): BMKT 325, BMGT 322, and BMGT 335, or consent of the department.

3cr. Introduces students to the challenges, opportunities, and risk associated with the global supply chain. It provides an overview of global supply chain operations management as a field and describes the strategic role it has in today’s competitive business environment.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMGT 492 Independent Study. 1-3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C-, junior standing, and consent of department.

V1-3cr. (1-3 other/wk) Provides outstanding junior and senior students an opportunity to explore material not covered by regular management courses. Students must complete a Request for Independent Study form and have it approved by the department.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMGT 494 Seminar/Workshop. 1-6 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- or consent of department.

V1-6cr. (1-6 other/wk) Provides students an opportunity to intensively investigate topics pertinent to the field of management.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

Business: Management Information Systems

BMIS 150 Cyber Security & Electronic Co. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Explores access to information, organization of information, retrieval, and decision-making models for analysis and presentation of information in a wide variety of environments and formats. This includes topics in the field of electronic communication and specifically cyber security.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMIS 210 System Analysis and Design. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): BMIS 352 or CAPP 158.

Introduces the theory, principles and methodologies of systems analysis and design. Seniors will complete a major project assignment. (crosslisted with City College)

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMIS 294 Seminar/Workshop. 1-3 Credits

Provides an opportunity for students to investigate areas of Information Systems.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMIS 310 Web Dsgn, Dev & Implementation. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Provides students with basic concepts, theories, and tools to design, develop and implement Web pages. Includes advanced Internet researching techniques and skills.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMIS 311 Management Information Systems. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

3cr. Introduces the fundamental concepts of management information systems in business organizations.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMIS 352 Microcomp DB Design & Implem. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Summer

Covers the concepts and design of microcomputer database management systems. Extensive hands-on with data base programs. Students complete a large database management system for a small business.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMIS 360 Advanced Database Programming. 3 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper division standing.

Introduces fourth generation languages using database programming techniques. The application of SQL programming language on micro-computers will be included. 4GL programming will include RISC environment applications.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMIS 492 Independent Study. 1-3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper division standing, consent of department, and approval of the College of Business Academic Policy Committee (CBAPC).

Provides outstanding junior and senior students an opportunity to explore material not covered by regular Information System courses. Students must complete a Request for Independent Study form and have it approved by CBAPC.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMIS 494 Seminar/Workshop. 1-3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper division standing.

Provides students an opportunity to extensively investigate topics pertinent to Information Systems.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMIS 499 Capstone. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): BMIS 352 or CAPP 158.

Introduces the theory, principles and methodologies of systems analysis and design. Seniors will complete a major project assignment.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

Business: Marketing

BMKT 325 Principles of Marketing. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- or consent of department.

3cr. (3 lec/3 other/wk) Presents behavioral patterns and legal and economic constraints affecting marketing decisions. Introduces analytic and control techniques for effective product planning, promotion, pricing and physical distribution.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMKT 337 Consumer Behavior. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BMKT 325, or consent of department.

3cr. Covers the consumer-firm relationship using concepts from contemporary behavioral sciences. Emphasizes the many problems encountered in marketing to various groups of consumers and the role theory plays in problem solving.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMKT 342 Marketing Research. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BMKT 325, or consent of department.

3cr. Surveys the influence of market research on the decision-making process. Includes problem formulation, research design, observational and sampling requirements, data analysis, interpretation and reporting.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMKT 343 Integrated Marketing Comm. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BMKT 325, or consent of department.

3cr. Emphasizes theories and practices of advertising, sales promotion and public relations in the marketing program. Includes promotional planning and strategy, program integration and effectiveness and relevant communications concepts.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMKT 411 Services/Relationship Mktg. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C-, BMKT 325 and BMGT 335, or consent of department.

3cr. Provides practical techniques for defining and meeting the needs of each set of an organization’s external and internal customers. Emphasizes the key drivers of service, e.g., creating a culture of service, customer focused information systems, incentives for customer service, empowered employees, customer satisfaction, and market orientation. Additionally, the leadership role of senior, middle, and lower levels of management will be examined.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMKT 420 Integrated Online Marketing. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BMKT 325, or consent of department.

3cr. Explores the background, concepts, and skills of the social media manager. Students are given many opportunities to practice the requisite skill, as well as discuss related topics of diversity, globalization, quality, ethics, and social responsibility as it pertains to social media marketing.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMKT 436 Sales and Sales Management. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- and BMKT 325, or consent of department.

3cr. Includes the principles of professional selling through strategically planning, making the sales call, strengthening communications, and building partnerships.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMKT 441 International Marketing. 3 Credits

Prerequisite(s): BMKT 325.

Explores the unique aspects of international marketing for both small entrepreneurial firms and for large multinational corporations. Operating in an international context provides unique challenges for small businesses. In order to be successful, firms must adapt to the social, technological, economic, and political environment (STEP) in which they operate. The first part of the course examines how the STEP environment alters international marketing practice. The second part of the course is designed to help students manage the marketing mix (product, promotion, pricing, distribution) in international markets.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMKT 446 Marketing for Entrepreneurs. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): BMKT 325 and Admission to upper division standing, or consent of department.

Develops the student’s knowledge of marketing entrepreneurship, including having online students work with community clients to understand how to identify opportunities and create value. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMKT 449 Strategic Marketing Mgmt. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C-, BMKT 325, BMKT 337 and BMKT 342, or consent of department.

3cr. Covers the methods and techniques employed in marketing management, including study of consumers, retailers, product, and controlling the total marketing program.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMKT 460 Marketing High-Tech Prod/Innov. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prerequisite(s): BMKT 325 and Admission to upper division standing, or consent of department.

Develops the student’s knowledge of product development, marketing, and competitive positioning from the customer’s perspective. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMKT 470 Supply Chain Management. 3 Credits

Prerequisite(s): BMKT 325 and Upper division standing.

Provides the fundamentals of supply chain management through class lecture, cases, and discussions. Topics include internal and external environments, customer service, logistics, strategy, global dimensions, distribution, planning and forecasting.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMKT 490 Undergraduate Research. 3 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper division standing, BMKT 325 and consent of department.

Provides senior level students with an opportunity to research, develop, and present a professional quality advertising campaign to a nationally recognized panel of professionals and clients. Relies on a team approach and group projects.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMKT 492 Independent Study. 1-3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C-, junior standing, and consent of department.

V1-3cr. (1-3 other/wk) Provides outstanding junior and senior students an opportunity to explore material not covered by regular Marketing courses. Students must complete a Request for Independent Study form and have it approved by the department.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

BMKT 494 Seminar/Workshop. 1-6 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Prerequisite(s): Completion of pre-admission courses with minimum grade of C- or consent of department.

V1-6cr. (1-6 other/wk) Provides senior students an opportunity to intensively investigate topics pertinent to the field of marketing.

Department: College of Business-All Depts

Computer Applications

CAPP 131 Basic MS Office. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Provides introductory concepts of computers, Windows operating system, Internet, spreadsheets, and word processing. g.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: College of Business-All Depts

CAPP 131E Basic MS Office Exam. 0 Credits

Department: College of Business-All Depts