WRIT - Writing
WRIT 095 Developmental Writing. 3 Credits
Reviews basic grammar with emphasis on sentence structure and mechanics. Also presents basic writing considerations, especially paragraph organization and development of the multi-paragraph essay. Placement by student’s request or by results of Writing Placement Test, SAT, or ACT and by faculty recommendation. Credits do not apply toward graduation requirements and do not fulfill General Education requirements. Credits not applicable to English major or minor. However, the credits do count towards enrollment status for financial aid.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: General Education - COT
WRIT 101 College Writing I. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory passing score on Placement Examination or grade of C or better in WRIT 095.
In addition, RD 101 or concurrent enrollment in RD 101 or qualifying score on reading placement exam. Provides instruction in writing competencies expected of college students. Pays special attention to writing as a problem-solving process, patterns of organization in personal and informative writing, and logical thinking and style in argumentative/persuasive writing. (Course not applicable to English major or minor.)
Lecture Hours 3
Department: English & Philosophy
WRIT 104 Workplace Communications. 3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): RD 101 or concurrent enrollment in RD 101 or qualifying score on reading placement exam.
Designed to teach students the fundamentals of the English language including grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word usage, with emphasis on applying these skills in written communication for the work world.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: General Education - COT
WRIT 121 Intro to Technical Writing. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): WRIT 095 or WRIT 104 or qualifying score on placement exam.
In addition, RD 101 or concurrent enrollment in RD 101 or qualifying score on reading placement exam. Introduces the student to the creation and evaluation of several kinds of written and oral technical communication.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: General Education - COT
WRIT 122 Intro to Business Writing. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisite(s): Satisfactory completion of WRIT 095 or WRIT 104 or qualifying score on the placement exam.
In addition, RD 101 or concurrent enrollment in RD 101 or qualifying score on reading placement exam. Provides instruction in the preparation of business memos, letters, reports, oral presentations, and computer assisted writing in business contexts.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: General Education - COT
WRIT 201 College Writing II. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisite(s): WRIT 101.
Provides opportunities for students to develop writing and thinking skills that are both relevant and adaptable to many writing situations and assignments. Includes basic research writing and information gathering skills appropriate to a variety of academic disciplines. Students will be instructed in the use of both the M.L.A. and the A.P.A. systems of documentation.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: English & Philosophy
WRIT 220 Business & Prof Writing. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisite(s): WRIT 101 or WRIT 122.
Provides the study and practice of advanced writing for business and administrative settings. The student learns to write various kinds of messages (informational, bad news, persuasive, critical, sales/solicitation) and uses various formats (memos, letters, reports). Students work collaboratively on group writing assignments.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: English & Philosophy
WRIT 221 Intermediate Tech Writing. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): WRIT 101.
3cr. Emphasizes advanced strategies and techniques appropriate to descriptive and analytical writing in sciences and technical disciplines.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: English & Philosophy
WRIT 294 Seminar/Workshop. 1-3 Credits
Provides freshmen and sophomores an opportunity to investigate intensively topics pertinent to the fields of composition, literature and language.
Department: English & Philosophy
WRIT 298 Internship/Cooperative Educ. 1-9 Credits
Department: English & Philosophy
WRIT 321 Advanced Technical Writing. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall
Prerequisite(s): WRIT 101 or WRIT 121 or WRIT 122.
Focuses on effective technical communication, including theory and practice of audience analysis, purpose and scope, organization, and development. Emphasizes drafting, revising, and editing for specialized audiences.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: English & Philosophy
WRIT 339 Teaching Writing and Literatur. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Spring
Prerequisite(s): WRIT 101.
Explores theoretical and practical issues related to teaching writing and literature within secondary English classrooms, including creating assignments, evaluating student writing, standardizing writing assessments, and designing multi-modal and digital composition processes.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: English & Philosophy
WRIT 396 Peer Tutoring. 1 Credit
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisite(s): English major or minor and consent of instructor.
R-6. Provides practical experience imparting basic language skills to fellow students in the Writing Lab.
Department: English & Philosophy
WRIT 398 Cooperative Educ/Internship. 1 Credit
Lecture Hours 1
Department: English & Philosophy
WRIT 398A Internship/Cooperative Educ. 1 Credit
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisite(s): English major, Upper-division status, or consent of instructor.
1cr. R-6. Places the upper-division English student in a section of WRIT 101 College Writing I, as a teaching assistant with a faculty member as mentor. The student will assist the faculty member in teaching the class and have primary responsibility for designing, implementing, and evaluating at least one writing assignment. The class provides direct teaching experience for students pursuing teacher licensure in English.
Lecture Hours 1
Department: English & Philosophy
WRIT 429 Professional Writing. 3 Credits
3cr. Develops writing skills across multiple modes for effective workplace communication, digital document and portfolio design, professional editing, and other forms of professional writing.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: English & Philosophy
WRIT 492 Independent Study. 1-3 Credits
Lecture Hours 1-3
Department: English & Philosophy
WRIT 494 Seminar/Workshop. 1-3 Credits
Provides an opportunity for experimental study in an area of English and the teaching of English.
Department: English & Philosophy
WRIT 498 Internship/Cooperative Educ. 1-4 Credits
V1-4cr. (1-4 other/wk) Provides opportunities for students to acquire field experience in their area of specialization. Individual internships coordinated through the chair and instructor; all students must apply for WRIT 498 during the previous semester.
Department: English & Philosophy
WRIT 499 Thesis/Capstone: Portfolio. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall
Prerequisite(s): LIT 201 or consent of instructor.
3cr. (3 other/wk) Requires students to produce a substantial quantity and variety of written work and to demonstrate skills in research or creative scholarship. Each student makes an oral presentation of his or her best chosen work with the advice of instructor. Course affords opportunity for conferences with instructor as well as discussions of related readings. Designed especially for senior English majors. Work produced for Capstone constitutes an outcomes assessment of the quality of the student’s training in English.
Department: English & Philosophy