HS - Human Services
HS 201 Survey of Human Services. 3 Credits
Presents an orientation to the general field of Human Services as a helping profession, academic discipline, and public social service. Includes fundamental information regarding the historical and contemporary development of the field.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 292 Independent Study. 1-3 Credits
Provides an experience for students of superior academic standing to explore material not covered by regular college courses.
Lecture Hours 1-3
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 298 Internship/Cooperative Educ. 1-3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor.
Provides university credit for a freshman level field experience in the area of Human Services supervised by faculty. Learning agreement must be completed prior to registration.
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 335 Introduction to Counseling. 3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): HS 201 or concurrent enrollment in HS 201.
Designed to provide an overview of counseling theories and the fundamental skills of counseling.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 345 Legal, Ethical, Prof Iss in HS. 3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): HS 201 or REHA 201.
Presents a review of the current and historical legal decisions which effect client rights and service provisions. Legal and ethical issues of due process and appropriate treatment in the least restrictive settings, the right to treatment and other significant legal ramifications relative to client advocacy and professional responsibility are discussed. Students are exposed to various professional standards in Human Services. Similarly, legal and professional issues such as confidentiality and privileged communication are discussed.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 385 Behavioral Pharmacology & HS. 3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): HS 201 or concurrent enrollment in HS 201.
Provides an introduction to the conceptual issues and methods of behavioral analysis of drug action and effect upon personality and behavior. Examines issues of psychopharmacology and the diagnostic, behavioral and social rationale for the application of chemical therapy. Examines the complexity of drug analysis, and explains the multifaceted analytical procedure that has been developed in response to the prescription of behavior changing medicine.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 394 Professional Seminar I in HS. 1 Credit
Prerequisite(s): HS 201, SOCI 101, and PSYX 100.
Corequisite(s): HS 395.
Provides an academic and supportive environment to freshman and sophomore students to discuss and share their field experiences and intensively investigate topics pertinent to the field of human services and an agency setting.
Lecture Hours 1
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 395 Suprv Field Experience I HS. 3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): HS 201, SOCI 101, and PSYX 100.
Corequisite(s): HS 394.
Provides students an initial supervised agency field experience in the human services designed to facilitate the information necessary to explore and formulate individual interests, abilities and educational goals relative to the field and practice of human services.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 481 Abuse, Neglect in Family. 3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): HS 335, or consent of instructor.
Explores the various theories of family dysfunction and relative social problems surrounding marital and family disruption. Discusses the various types of family abuse and neglect and the impact on child development and psychological status on family members. Effects of dysfunctional communication and its etiology are discussed. Community reaction and support systems are presented in the context of human services practice and delivery systems.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 483 Intro to Addiction Counseling. 3 Credits
An introduction to addiction that presents various perspectives of causation relative to abusive and harmful use of drugs and alcohol, including eating disorders and other forms of behavioral and social addictions such as gambling and excessive-compulsive sexual problems. Provides a basic knowledge of ASAM and DSM IV placement criteria and treatment planning and documentation. Students will participate in a field experience at an AA group meeting or another similar support group.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 492 Independent Study. 1-3 Credits
Provides an experience for students of superior academic standing to explore material not covered by regular college courses.
Lecture Hours 1-3
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 494 Seminar/Workshop. 1-3 Credits
Provides an opportunity for experimental study in an area of human services.
Lecture Hours 1-3
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 494A Professional Seminar II in HS. 1 Credit
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Human Services Program, HS 395, HS 394, and HS 335.
Corequisite(s): HS 495A. Provides students who are currently enrolled in HS 495A, Supervised Field Experience I in the Human Services, with a forum for discussing their internship experiences in a supportive, confidential, and academic setting.
Another important purpose of the Pro-seminar is to facilitate the active integration of a theoretical knowledge base to practical field experiences and applications. Students engage in the HS 495A /494A and 495B/494B sequence consecutively during their senior year after completion of a significant portion of academic coursework in the Human Services discipline.
Lecture Hours 1
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 494B Professional Seminar III in HS. 1 Credit
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Human Services Program, HS 395, HS 394, HS 335, and HS 495A/494A. Corequisite
Another important purpose of the Pro-seminar is to facilitate the active integration of a theoretical knowledge base to practical field experiences and applications. Students engage in the HS 495A /494A and 495B/494B sequence consecutively during their senior year after completion of a significant portion of academic coursework in the Human Service discipline.
Lecture Hours 1
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 495A Suprv Field Experience II HS. 3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Human Services Program, HS 395, HS 394, and HS 335.
Corequisite(s): HS 494A. Provides students with progressive learning situations in which they have the opportunity to assume responsibility for productive tasks in a practical setting in a Human services agency or organization in which they are placed.
A series of opportunities to integrate theory, methodology and practice are available. Each section constitutes a separate internship, providing a block learning experience.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 495B Suprv Field Experience III HS. 3 Credits
Corequisite(s): HS 494B. Provides students with progressive learning situations in which they have the opportunity to assume responsibility for productive tasks in a practical setting in a human services agency or organization in which they are placed.
Perquisite: Admission to the Human Services Program, HS 395, HS 394, HS 335, and HS 495A/494A. A series of opportunities to integrate theory, methodology, and practice are available. Each section constitutes a separate internship, providing a block learning experience.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Rehab & Human Services
HS 498 Internship/Cooperative Educ. 1-5 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor.
Provides university credit for a junior or senior level field experience in the area of Human Services supervised by faculty. Learning agreement must be completed prior to registration.
Department: Rehab & Human Services