GEO - Geoscience: Geology
GEO 101 Intro to Physical Geology. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall
Corequisite(s): GEO 102.
Presents an introduction to the study of the earth through a study of its materials and composition, structure, geologic processes, surface and ground waters, physical, chemical and biological oceanography.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci
GEO 102 Intro to Physical Geology Lab. 1 Credit
Term Typically Offered: Fall
Corequisite(s): GEO 101.
Enhances the lecture material of GEO 101 through the usage of experiential activities.
Lab Hours 1
Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci
GEO 205 Mineralogy. 4 Credits
Prerequisite(s): GEO 101.
Surveys crystallography, chemistry and physics of minerals, and mineral field occurrences and associations. Studies will also include identification, classification, and interpretation of origin, chemistry, and mineralogical compositions of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Lab included. Field trips required.
Lecture Hours 3, Lab Hours 1
Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci
GEO 211 Earth History & Evolution. 3 Credits
Corequisite(s): GEO 212.
Presents a systematic study of the earth through geologic time by analysis of the geological evolution of earth and its sequence of life forms reconstructed from the paleontological record. Lab required.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci
GEO 212 Earth History & Evolution Lab. 1 Credit
Corequisite(s): GEO 211.
Enhances the lecture material of GEO 211 through the usage of experiential activities.
Lab Hours 1
Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci
GEO 309 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall (odd years)
Prerequisite(s): GEO 101.
Introduces and studies the processes of sedimentation, mechanical analysis sediments, environments of deposition, origin and classification of sedimentary rocks, principles and techniques utilized in measuring sedimentary rock strata, facies changes, tectonic framework, biostratigraphic units and paleo-environments. Extensive field and lab work required.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci
GEO 315 Structural Geology. 4 Credits
Prerequisite(s): GEO 211 & GEO 212.
4cr. Presents technical approach towards the mechanical properties of Earth materials. Studies the kinematics and dynamics of natural processes on earth materials. Field trip required. Offered in odd spring semesters.
Lecture Hours 3, Lab Hours 3
Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci
GEO 490 Undergraduate Research. 1-6 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or consent of instructor.
Provides students the opportunity to conduct a research project under the supervision of a faculty member, including library and experimental research as appropriate, analysis of the results, and the submission of a formal research report upon completion of the project.
Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci
GEO 491 Special Topics. 1-12 Credits
Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci
GEO 492 Independent Study. 1-4 Credits
Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
Provides advanced students an opportunity to explore material not covered by regular Earth Science courses. A contract describing the study must be completed at the time of enrollment.
Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci
GEO 498 Internship/Cooperative Educ. 1-9 Credits
Department: Sciences - Biology & Phys Sci