MSU Billings Catalog

Communication Bachelor of Arts Degree (Offered online)

Required Courses

General Education Requirements31
Students should consult with their advisors to determine if specific courses are necessary in order to satisfy the General Education requirements within this major.
Communication Core Requirements
COMX 300Exploring Comm Studies3
COMX 320Prin of Organizational Comm3
COMX 330Principles of Media Studies3
COMX 341Public Advocacy3
COMX 351Principles of Public Relations3
COMX 400Communication Theory3
COMX 401Communication Law and Ethics3
COMX 426Leadership and Communication3
COMX 431New Media Skills3
COMX 460Research Methods3
COMX 481Campaign Planning3
COMX 499Capstone3
Select one emphasis from the following:9
Media Studies Emphasis
Media Criticism
Gender, Media, and Society
Communication Elective (Select from list below)
Organizational Communication Emphasis
Risk Crisis & Comm
Organizations and Diversity
Communication Elective (Select from list below)
Public Relations Emphasis
Reporting the News
Case Studies in Public Rltns
Communication Elective (Select from list below)
Language Requirement (See Below)14-15
Total Minimum Credits120
Communication Electives
Select course to fulfill remaining elective credits, in consultation with advisor.
COMX 340Visual Rhetoric3
COMX 420Issues in Organizational Comm3
COMX 434Political Communication3
COMX 436Pop Culture & Cultural Studies3
COMX 438Multicultural Mass Comm3
COMX 452Issues in Public Relations3
COMX 480Health Communication3
COMX 491Special Topics3
COMX 492Independent Study1-3
COMX 498Internship/Cooperative Educ1-9

Note:  Substitutions can be made with advisor or consent.  Students must earn a grade of “C” or above in courses used to satisfy major or minor requirements in the Communication Department.  The Department of Communication offers a BA in Communication Arts online.  Check the university website for details at

Certain courses in this program have prerequisites; students should check the course descriptions for required prerequisites.

Communication Degree Language Requirement

Bachelor of Arts Majors in Communication are encouraged to consider taking two years of a modern language.

The Department of Communication offers the following four options for the modern language requirement:

  1. Complete the standard language requirement for a Bachelor of Arts for a total of 14 credits.
  2. Complete the 101-102 active skills sequence in one modern language plus six credits of cultural studies courses selected from List One (below) for a total of 14 credits.
  3. Complete 101-102 active skills sequence in one modern language and six credits in statistical and research method selected from List Two (below) for a total of 14 credits.
  4. Complete six credits in statistical and research methods selected from List Two (below) along with nine credits selected from List One for a total of 15 credits.

List One

SPNS 150The Hispanic Tradition *3
ANTY 220Culture & Society *3
PHL 271Indian Philsphies & Religions3
PHL 272Chinese Philsphies & Religions3
RLST 303Greek & Roman Mythology3
NASX Select from offerings
Other Cultural Studies in consultation with Advisor

List Two

STAT 141Intro to Statistical Concepts *3
STAT 216Introduction to Statistics *4
STAT 341Intro Probability & Statistics4
Other statistical and methods courses in consultation with Advisor

May satisfy General Education requirements.

Suggested Plan of Study

This sample schedule is a suggested plan for students to follow in completing the Bachelor of Arts program in Communication.  Due to course schedule changes and staff assignments, students may not be able to follow the plan exactly.  This suggested plan is not a substitute for careful advising by departmental faculty.  Students should consult with their advisors to plan classes before registering each term.

First Year
WRIT 101College Writing I3
COMX 111Intro to Public Speaking3
Modern Language4
General Education6
Modern Language4
COMX 212Intro to Intercultural Comm3
General Education6
Second Year
COMX 300Exploring Comm Studies3
Modern Language3
General Education w/Lab4
General Education3
COMX 320Prin of Organizational Comm3
Modern Language3
General Education9
Third Year
COMX 341Public Advocacy3
COMX 330Principles of Media Studies3
COMX 351Principles of Public Relations3
COMX 431New Media Skills3
Fourth Year
COMX 400Communication Theory3
COMX 460Research Methods3
COMX 482Gender, Media, and Society3
COMX 426Leadership and Communication3
COMX 481Campaign Planning3
COMX 401Communication Law and Ethics3