MSU Billings Catalog

Broadfield Major in Elementary Education Bachelor of Science in Education Degree

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • demonstrate understanding of how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, behavioral health continuum, and physical areas, and individualize developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences for learners of all cognitive abilities.
  • use understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities, including American Indians and tribes in Montana and English Language Learners (ELL), to ensure inclusive environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.
  • work with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
  • demonstrate understanding of the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) the candidate teaches and create individualized learning experiences that make the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content, and include the instruction of reading and writing literacy into all program areas.
  • demonstrate understanding of how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.
  • use multiple methods of assessment, including formative and summative assessments, to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacherꞌs and learnerꞌs decision making.
  • plan and implement individualized instruction that supports students of all cognitive abilities in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.
  • use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections and build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.
  • engage in ongoing professional learning and use evidence to continually evaluate candidateꞌs practice, particularly the effects of candidateꞌs choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapt practice to meet the needs of each learner.
  • interact knowledgeably and professionally with students, families, and colleagues based on social needs and institutional roles.
  • engage in leadership or collaborative roles, or both, in content-based professional learning communities and organizations and continue to develop as professional educators.
  • demonstrate understanding of and ability to integrate history, cultural heritage, and contemporary status of American Indians and tribes in Montana.

Required Courses

General Education Requirements31
The General Education requirements for elementary education majors have been designed to prepare pre -service educators in a liberal arts curriculum that: stimulates scholarship; promotes a critical understanding of human concepts; fosters individual fulfillment; nurtures the development of free, rational, and responsible professions; cultivates an appreciation for the values associated with life in a free, democratic society; develops intellectually competent, imaginative and vigorous educators; and encourages an analysis of values inherent in foreign cultures, the variety of American ethnic cultures with an aim toward developing a clearer understanding of other peoples. The General Education program for elementary majors is similar to the General Education program established for all students at Montana State University Billings. Students should select General Education courses in consultation with their academic advisors.
Global Academic Skills
Math for Elementary Teachers I *
College Writing I *
College Writing II
Communication & Information Literacy:
Intro to Public Speaking *
Intro to Interpersonal Comm
Natural Sciences
Life Sciences & Physical Sciences:
Integrated Sciences I *
Integrated Sciences II *
Integrated Sciences Lab I *
Integrated Science Lab II
Social Sciences and History
Social Sciences:
Intro to American Government *
Intro to Comparative Govt
American History I *
American History II
Cultural Diversity
Intro Native American Studies *
Native Americans in Contmp Soc
Arts and Humanities
Fine Arts:
Enjoyment of Music *
Professional Core for Elementary Education
EDSP 204Intro to Tchng Exceptnl Lrnrs3
EDU 105Education and Democracy3
EDU 220Human Growth & Development3
EDU 221Educ Psyc & Measurement3
EDU 353Junior Field Experience2
EDU 381Curriculum Theory & Design3
EDU 406Phil, Legal & Ethical Issues3
EDU 495BStudent Teaching: K-812
HTH 201Health Issues for Educators3
Required Elementary Education Courses
ARTZ 102Fund of Art for Elem Teachers2
EDSP 410Spprtng Div Lrnrs thru Collab3
EDU 270Instructional Technology3
EDU 331Lit & Literacy for Children3
EDU 343Strat for Mnging Div Learners2
EDU 383Assessment in Education3
EDU 397AMethods: K-8 Language Arts3
EDU 397BMethods: K-8 Social Studies3
EDU 397CMethods: K-8 Mathematics3
EDU 397DMethods: K-8 Science3
EDU 397MMethods K-8:Intgrtng Arts/Curr4
EDU 433Reflective Practice Tchng Rd3
EDU 438Literacy Assessmnt, Diag, Inst3
GPHY 121Human Geography *3
HEE 309Health Enhancement Strat K-83
M 131Math for Elementary Teacher II3
Area of Concentration electives in consultation with advisor15
Total Minimum Credits128

May satisfy General Elective requirements.

Suggested Plan of Study

Students should talk with their faculty advisors prior to registration for classes.  It is a good practice to visit with the faculty advisor each semester.  The following suggested schedule provides a general overview of courses and work that will enable the Elementary Education major to progress through the degree in an orderly and timely manner.

First Year
EDU 105Education and Democracy3
M 130Math for Elementary Teachers I3
WRIT 101College Writing I3
or WRIT 201 College Writing II
HSTA 101American History I3
or HSTA 102 American History II
COMX 111Intro to Public Speaking3
or COMX 115 Intro to Interpersonal Comm
PSCI 210Intro to American Government3
or PSCI 220 Intro to Comparative Govt
ARTZ 102Fund of Art for Elem Teachers2
EDU 220
Human Growth & Development
and Human Growth & Development Lab
M 131Math for Elementary Teacher II3
MUSI 101Enjoyment of Music3
Gen Ed Humanities3
Submit fingerprints for Criminal Background Check first semester
Second Year
EDSP 204Intro to Tchng Exceptnl Lrnrs3
EDU 221Educ Psyc & Measurement3
EDU 270Instructional Technology3
HTH 201Health Issues for Educators3
SCIN 101Integrated Sciences I3
SCIN 102Integrated Sciences Lab I1
or SCIN 104 Integrated Science Lab II
Apply for Admission to Educator Preparation Program Spring semester.
SCIN 102Integrated Sciences Lab I (if not taken in Fall)1
or SCIN 104 Integrated Science Lab II
SCIN 103Integrated Sciences II3
EDU 381Curriculum Theory & Design3
GPHY 121Human Geography3
NASX 105Intro Native American Studies3
or NASX 205 Native Americans in Contmp Soc
EDU 331Lit & Literacy for Children3
Third Year
EDU 343Strat for Mnging Div Learners2
EDU 383Assessment in Education3
EDU 397AMethods: K-8 Language Arts3
EDU 397BMethods: K-8 Social Studies3
Area of Concentration6
EDSP 410Spprtng Div Lrnrs thru Collab3
EDU 353Junior Field Experience2
EDU 397CMethods: K-8 Mathematics3
EDU 397DMethods: K-8 Science3
EDU 433Reflective Practice Tchng Rd3
Area of Concentration3
Take PRAXIS II exam
Fourth Year
EDU 397MMethods K-8:Intgrtng Arts/Curr4
HEE 309Health Enhancement Strat K-83
EDU 438Literacy Assessmnt, Diag, Inst3
Area of Concentration6
EDU 406Phil, Legal & Ethical Issues3
EDU 495BStudent Teaching: K-812
Apply to student teach Fall semester.
Apply to graduate Fall semester.
Apply for licensure Spring semester.