MSU Billings Catalog

SPED - Special Education

SPED 502 Research in Special Programs. 3 Credits

Focuses on applied research designs and methodologies, scientific inquiry, general procedures in single-case research, and research ethics. Methods will focus on behavior assessment and intervention, experimental evaluation, measurement, and interpretation of data. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 504 Multitiered Systems of Support. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Examines a collaborative approach to providing academic supports to learners in a multi-tiered model. Reviews sources of scientifically based instructional strategies; process monitoring techniques; and the partnership between general education teachers, special education teachers, and parents. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 505 Assessment Stdnts-Special Need. 3 Credits

(Sp odd years) Provides information on the principles of measurement and current best practice in the assessment of students with special needs. Students will review standardized assessment and classroom based assessment in the evaluation of students with special needs. Background check required. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 510 Spec Ed Law Procedur & Practic. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Focuses on current professional issues in special education. Current literature, legal decisions and research will be discussed. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 515 Ethics in Educ & Human Svcs. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Summer (even years)

Prerequisite(s): admission to graduate studies.

Provides an overview of topics such as special education law and policies, duties to refer potential clients, data ownership and sharing, bias and fraud in data collection and analysis, scientific communication, professional communication, publication authorship, duplicate or fragmented publication, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, reporting misconduct, vita preparation, and job search strategies. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 520 Applied Behavior Analysis. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Summer

Prerequisite(s): admission to graduate studies.

Applies behavior analytic procedures and processes to the understanding of behavior. Topics include ethical considerations for behavior analysts; definitions, characteristics and principles of behavior; and processes and concepts of behavior modification. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 530 Curr Adapt Spec Populations. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Examines research-based practices used in making accommodations and providing access for students with disabilities to the general curriculum.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 533 Lrning & Exp Anlysis of Bhvr. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Prepares students to conduct further research using the experimental analysis of behavior as a basis for their studies. Covers basic behavioral research and operations, including the following topics: schedules of reinforcement, stimulus control, establishing operations, differential reinforcement, and conditioned reinforcement. Students will demonstrate skills with a virtual rat lab.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 540 Educ of Exceptional Learners. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Emphasizes the expanded role of special education to serve as a resource for all teachers and all students, including those with special learning needs. Consideration of current laws and regulations governing special education as well as the provision of special education in the context of regular education.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 550 Tchng Stdnts w Emtnl/Bhvrl Dis. 3 Credits

Reviews the current literature and recommended instructional strategies and resources for teaching students with emotional and behavior disorders. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 551 Assessment & Planning. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall (odd years)

Examines assessment techniques applicable to the range of students with disabilities. Students will develop program plans and teaching techniques which they will carry out in natural settings. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 560 EBP:Stdnts with Learning Disab. 3 Credits

Reviews the current literature and recommended instructional strategies and resources for teaching students with learning disabilities. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 565 Supv and Orgnal Behav Magmt. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

3cr. Applies organizational behavior management techniques (e.g., performance management, behavior systems analysis) to improve workplace performance in clinical, educational, and other settings. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: SPED, SCOU, RD, EC

SPED 570 EBP: Intell & Dev Disabilities. 3 Credits

Reviews the current literature and recommended instructional strategies and resources for teaching students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 574 Data-Based Instruction. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring (even years)

Focuses on data-based instruction techniques such as discrete trial training, precision teaching, and verbal behavior methods.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 580 Autism Spctr Dis: Char & Intrv. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring (odd years)

Prerequisite(s): admission to graduate studies.

3cr. Examines unique characteristics of individuals with autism from diagnosis through skill development by intensive and naturalistic teaching methods. Established treatments will be highlighted. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 584 Student Teaching. 6 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Completion of coursework.

Places the student in a supervised field experience in a special education P-12 setting that allows the student to demonstrate teaching skills in the classroom with a variety of learners. Students, in collaboration with the mentoring teacher, engage students in learning and participate in related experiences associated with the teaching profession. On-site mentoring and university supervision are integral to this experience. Lab fee required. Valid Criminal background check required.

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 586 Cncptl Iss in Radical Behvrism. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Spring

Examines Skinner’s writings as primary sources for understanding determinism, private events, and cultural design. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: SPED, SCOU, RD, EC

SPED 590 Internship. 1-9 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Prerequisite(s): Approved internship application.

Provides experience in a special education setting. Lab fee required. Valid Criminal background check required.

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 591 Independent Study. 1-6 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor, approval of the department chairperson and the Dean of Education, and Independent Study contract filed with the Office of Graduate Studies.

Provides an opportunity for students of superior academic standing to explore material not covered by regular graduate courses in Special Education.

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 592 Seminar. 1-6 Credits

Provides an opportunity to investigate topics at the advanced level pertinent to the area of Special Education.

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 593 Workshop. 1-6 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Summer

Provides an opportunity for experimental study at the advanced level in an area of Special Education.

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 594 Clinic. 1-6 Credits

Prerequisite(s): Consent of Instructor.

Provides an opportunity to explore and develop advanced skills in working with individuals in Special Education settings. Lab fee required. Valid Criminal background check required.

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 597 Professional Seminar in SPED. 3 Credits

Investigates recent (last 3 years) trends and issues within the field of study as evidenced by periodicals or other literature sources. This is an exit course that requires the integration and synthesis of knowledge and experiences developed through the graduate program.

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 599 Thesis. 1-6 Credits

Prerequisite(s): EDF 501 or equivalent and an approved plan of study required.

This course may be given the grade of “T” until research and writing is completed and accepted within the time limit of the degree.

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 600 Facilitating Positive Behavior. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall

Examines evidence-based interventions to facilitate both group and individual positive behaviors in school settings. The course provides strategies needed to conduct a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and the expectation that participants will apply these in a school setting. Valid criminal background check required. Offered ONLY Online.

Lecture Hours 3

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 611 Admin/Sprvsn Spec Prog. 3 Credits

Term Typically Offered: Fall (even years)

Focuses on the responsibilities of special program administrators. Includes issues of legal mandates, funding professional management, curricular considerations and program evaluation. Provides opportunity to develop a philosophy of leadership and skills for coordination of services across programs.

Department: EDCI/EDF

SPED 690 Internship. 1-6 Credits

Prerequisite(s): SPED 611.

(F even years) Provides future special education directors with experience in the special education director/supervisor role under the mentorship of a practicing professional.

Lecture Hours 1-6

Department: EDCI/EDF