PSYC - Psychology
PSYC 505 Clinical Research Methods. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Summer (odd years)
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and consent of the instructor.
Examines important topics in clinical research design. Familiarizes students with current theories and strategies in designing clinical trials ranging from case studies to more expansive group research designs.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Psychology
PSYC 510 Adv Social Psychology. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall (even years)
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and consent of the instructor.
Provides an overview of social-psychological perspectives on mental health, adjustment, and self-esteem. Readings include original empirical and theoretical articles.
Department: Psychology
PSYC 515 Psychopathology. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall (odd years)
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and consent of the instructor.
Uses the DSM-IV as a framework to present current knowledge regarding the identification, classification, and treatment of psychological disorders.
Department: Psychology
PSYC 520 Human Neuropsychology. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall (odd years)
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and consent of the instructor.
Examines brain/behavior relationships with special emphasis on health care issues. Focuses on neurological disorders and their treatment including epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and topics such as aphasia, apraxia, and amnesia. Utilizes an extensive case study approach.
Department: Psychology
PSYC 525 Psyc Assmnt of Cgntv Abilities. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall (odd years)
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and consent of the instructor.
Qualifies the advanced student to administer and interpret individual measures of intelligence, memory, academic achievement, and related neuropsychological traits. Advances understanding of cognitive factors in the diagnosis of mental retardation, learning disabilities, and dementia.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Psychology
PSYC 527 Psyc Assmnt of Clinical Dsrdrs. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Spring (even years)
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and consent of the instructor.
Qualifies the advanced student to administer and interpret standardized personality instruments. Prepares the student to conduct clinical interviews and write professional assessment reports.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Psychology
PSYC 530 Psychopharmacology. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall (even years)
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and consent of the instructor.
Presents an overview of pharmacology with an emphasis on clinical uses of behavior-altering drugs. Covers all major classes of psychopharmacologic agents, their use in therapy and historical development.
Department: Psychology
PSYC 535 Techniques of Psychotherapy. 3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Serves as a clinical case conference for student’s work at their practicum sites.
Department: Psychology
PSYC 537 Psychotherapy Outcomes. 3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
Reviews the extensive research literature on how well the major psychotherapy approaches work as treatments for various problems.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Psychology
PSYC 540 Theories of Psychotherapy. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Spring (even years)
Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing or consent of instructor.
Surveys the major approaches to psychotherapy, reviewing theories and examining their practical implications for clinical practice.
Department: Psychology
PSYC 541 GR Stats for Behavioral Sci. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Spring (odd years)
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Provides students with proficiency in using the most common statistical techniques for analyzing research data, including analysis of variance, correlation, regression, and nonparametric statistics.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Psychology
PSYC 545 Stress and Health. 3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Covers common causes of stress, including life-change, personality, environmental, and job-related factors. Provides working knowledge of stress-reduction techniques including imagery, biofeedback, relaxation, cognitive, and behavioral techniques.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Psychology
PSYC 547 Group Psychotherapy. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall
3cr. Introduces the theory and practice of group psychotherapy. An exploration of basic principles of group dynamics including basic issues, treatment strategies, and interactional group process in conducting group psychotherapy is emphasized. Learning methods will include both didactic and experiential components.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Psychology
PSYC 550 Child Psychopathology. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Spring (even years)
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
Engages students in the study of mental health disorders of children and adolescents. Advances the understanding of developmental factors in psychopathology and introduces the principles of psychological diagnosis and treatment of youth in educational, correctional, and clinical settings.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Psychology
PSYC 552 Attachment Theory. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Spring
3cr. Covers the history of attachment theory from the foundational contributions of Bowlby and Ainsworth through present day research and clinical applications.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Psychology
PSYC 555 Psychology of Religion. 3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and consent of instructor.
Reviews the major psychological theories about religious belief and practice, and surveys research findings on the relations between religiosity and other phenomena such as psychopathology, ethical behavior, and maturity.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Psychology
PSYC 561 Vocational Psychology. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Summer
3cr. Provides an introduction to theory and practice of career development and decision-making. Focuses on career and life balance issues and mental health. History, contemporary issues, diverse populations, and applications are covered.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Psychology
PSYC 580 Professional Issues. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall
3cr. Explores professional and ethical issues confronting mental health professionals in modern practice. Introduces students to the APA ethics code and examines ethical considerations related to assessment and intervention, technology, informed consent, scope of practice, and working with diverse populations.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Psychology
PSYC 590 Internship. 1-9 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
V cr. Provides students pursuing a Master’s thesis the opportunity to conduct original research with a faculty advisor. Alternatively, clinically oriented students will receive faculty supervision for clinical work at their practicum sites.
Department: Psychology
PSYC 591 Independent Study. 1-6 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and consent of the instructor, approval of the department chairperson and Dean of Arts and Sciences, and Independent Study contract filed with the Office of Graduate Studies prior to registration.
Provides an opportunity for students of superior academic standing to explore material beyond that covered by undergraduate courses in Psychology.
Department: Psychology
PSYC 592 Seminar. 1-3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Examines professional and ethical issues confronting clinical psychologists in modern practice. Provides students an opportunity to discuss issues such as assessment and intervention, confidentiality, publishing and advertising. Introduces students to the APA ethics code and conduct standards.
Department: Psychology
PSYC 593 Workshop. 1-8 Credits
Provides an opportunity for experimental study at the advanced level in Psychology.
Department: Psychology
PSYC 596 Coop Education/Internship. 1-11 Credits
Provides university credit for graduate work experience in the area of Psychology, supervised by faculty. Learning agreement must be completed prior to registration (restricted).
Lecture Hours 1-11
Department: Psychology