HHP - Health & Human Performance
HHP 501 Srvy of Exercise & Sport Sci. 3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Admission to M.S. or instructor permission.
Surveys the ways in which different scientific, core bodies of knowledge in exercise physiology, biomechanics, nutrition, and neural control intersect to form the foundation for professional activities in sport and exercise.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 502 Rsrch in Exercise & Sport Sci. 3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Admission to M.S. or instructor permission.
Covers research and the statistical analysis that support research-specific, evidence-based practice in contexts unique to exercise science and sport.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 518 Hlth Enhncmnt Mthd & Mtrls K-8. 2 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall
Examines theories and models of curriculum design and teaching methodologies for grades K-8 Health Enhancement.
Lecture Hours 2
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 540 Sport Leadership. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall
Explores theory and practice leadership principles applied to coaching and sport settings. Special attention is devoted to various applied strategies including: leadership/coaching styles, leader personality and behavior, basic anatomy and biomechanics of human movement, decision-making, risk management, planning and organizing, processing and evaluating, communicating and motivating, time management, and conflict management. Use of the case study method is applied to various sport settings.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 545 Exercise Test & Prescription. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall
Prerequisite(s): HHP 430.
Explores basic techniques in the assessment of physical fitness, prescription of exercise for healthy and unhealthy adults, and promotion of physical activity within communities.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 550 Psychological Principles. 3 Credits
Covers the psychological dimension of sport science, focusing on advanced motor learning and applied sport psychology. Special attention is focused on sport psychology interventions with strong research support for their effectiveness.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 560 Sport Marketing. 3 Credits
Explores the theory and practice of the marketing of sport as a product and the marketing of non-sport-related products through sport. Includes the study of various specific areas, such as market definition, consumer analysis, market research, market segmentation, product positioning, pricing, promotion, marketing communication, distribution, and sponsorship applied to sport.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 570 Sport Organizations & Gov. 3 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall
Explores the theory and practice of sport organizations and their various governance structures. Organization theory is presented in the context of sport organizations that regulate high school athletics, intercollegiate athletics, international amateur sport, and professional sport.
Lecture Hours 3
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 590 Internship. 1-9 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Approved plan of study and approved internship application.
Provides experience in a responsible appointment as an assistant in physical education and/or health settings.
Lecture Hours 1-9
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 591 Independent Study. 1-6 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor, approval of the department chairperson and the Dean of Allied Health Professions, and Independent Study contract filed with the Office of Graduate Studies.
Provides an opportunity for students of superior academic standing to explore material not covered by regular graduate courses in the Department of Health and Human Performance.
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 592 Seminar. 1-6 Credits
Provides an opportunity to investigate topics at the advanced level pertinent to the area of Health and Physical Education.
Lecture Hours 1-6
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 593 Workshop. 1-6 Credits
Provides an opportunity for experimental study at the advanced level in an area of Health and Physical Education.
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 594 Clinic. 1-6 Credits
Prerequisite(s): Consent of Instructor.
Provides an opportunity to explore and develop advanced skills with individuals in Health and Physical Education.
Lecture Hours 1-6
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 596 Cooperative Educ/Internship. 1-8 Credits
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 597 Capstone Project. 1-6 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the graduate ALiHR program and consent of instructor.
Explores quantitative and qualitative research methodologies used in the health and human professions and evaluation of published research in the field. The capstone activity involves designing, implementing, assessing, and presenting a research project or program. Basic format and organization issues are covered, along with how to identify a research topic and program, assess resources, and write a literature review.
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 598 Research Project. 3-6 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Provides graduate students an opportunity to research a selected topic in athletic training interdisciplinary studies or sport leadership in close consultation with a graduate faculty committee. Students will present their project both in writing and orally.
Lecture Hours 3-6
Department: Health & Human Performance
HHP 599 Thesis. 1-6 Credits
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisite(s): EDF 501 or equivalent and an approved plan of study required.
This course may be given the grade of “T” until research and writing is completed and accepted within the time limit of the degree.
Department: Health & Human Performance