MSU Billings Catalog

Curriculum and Instruction Teacher Licensure Option Master of Education

Required Courses

Elementary Specialization

Advanced Professional Core
EDCI 610Curr Theory: Analysis & Pract3
EDCI 697Capstone: Issues in Education3
EDF 501Research Dsgn & Interpretation3
Licensure Professional Core
EDCI 500Curriculum Development2
EDCI 519Graduate Practicum2
EDCI 572Intro Educational Technology3
EDCI 584Student Teaching (K-12)6
or EDCI 585 Student Teaching (Elementary)
or EDCI 586 Student Teaching (Secondary)
EDF 515Social & Phil Issues in Educ3
EDF 530Adv Human Dev & Learning3
SPED 540Educ of Exceptional Learners3
Elementary Specialization
EDCI 511Inst Strtgs Lang Arts/Chld Lit2
EDCI 512Inst Strtgs in Social Studies2
EDCI 513Inst Strtgs in Mathematics2
EDCI 514Inst Strtgs in Science2
EDCI 517Intgrtng Arts Across Elem Curr4
HTH 412Drugs and Alcohol1
HHP 518Hlth Enhncmnt Mthd & Mtrls K-82
RD 510Instructional Practices2
Total Minimum Credits48

The additional required teaching major content core coursework can be located in the undergraduate catalog under the content area teaching option.  In addition, Indian Education for All requirements must be met prior to licensure.

Secondary and K-12 Specialization

Advanced Professional Core
EDCI 610Curr Theory: Analysis & Pract3
EDCI 697Capstone: Issues in Education3
EDF 501Research Dsgn & Interpretation3
Licensure Professional Core
EDCI 500Curriculum Development2
EDCI 519Graduate Practicum2
EDCI 572Intro Educational Technology3
EDCI 584Student Teaching (K-12)6
or EDCI 585 Student Teaching (Elementary)
or EDCI 586 Student Teaching (Secondary)
EDF 515Social & Phil Issues in Educ3
EDF 530Adv Human Dev & Learning3
SPED 540Educ of Exceptional Learners3
Secondary and K-12 Specialization
Content Area Methods (dependent upon discipline)3-6
HTH 412Drugs and Alcohol1
RD 520Content Area Rd & Writing3
Total Minimum Credits38-41

The additional required teaching major content core coursework can be located in the undergraduate catalog under the content area teaching option.  In addition, Indian Education for All requirements must be met prior to licensure.