City College Catalog
City College at Montana State University Billings
2024-2025 Catalog
3803 Central Avenue
Billings, Montana 59102
(406) 247-3000
Visiting City College
Individuals are encouraged to visit City College at MSU Billings to learn more about their programs of interest, the support resources/services available through City College and University campuses as well as checking out the classrooms/labs and facilities. Jacket Student Central New Student Services staff will tailor a campus visit to meet your group or individual needs.
Arrangements can be made by calling (406) 247-3007 or going online to
We are here to help and serve you
We look forward to helping you make those important decisions about your future career and the programs that will provide you with the best education for that career. Please feel free to call, stop by, or visit our website
Student Learning Outcomes
MSU Billings understands that student success and student learning take place inside and outside the classroom. The ability to assess and measure that success is imperative. To assure that the University’s programs continue to meet the needs of both the students and the community, MSU Billings engages in ongoing review and revision of its assessment processes. This regular review process has resulted in the revision of the academic programs as articulated in this catalog.
Montana State University Billings is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). City College at MSU Billings has individual programs that are accredited and approved by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP), the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the EMS Professions (CoAEMSP), the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA), the Montana State Board of Nursing, and the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) Degree Assembly. All programs are approved for veterans.

City College at MSU Billings: Your Comprehensive Two-Year Community College
City College at MSU Billings is committed to providing its students with Access and Excellence. As a comprehensive two-year college, the City College provides students with:
- access to career and technical programs;
- university transfer opportunities;
- outreach and community development programs;
- workforce training opportunities and partnerships.
Whether it is in the classroom, a special workshop, or in the day-to-day operation of the campus, City College is committed to providing an uncommonly high level of excellence in all programs and services.
The Institution provides Access and Excellence to students through instruction. The emphasis at City College is on helping students acquire skills to help them find meaningful employment upon completion of their academic program or transfer to the University to pursue a four-year degree. Our faculty are experienced in their fields and utilize innovative teaching methods to serve their students’ needs.
Students experience Access and Excellence at City College through field-based experiences such as internships, laboratory work, clinical rotations for nursing and paramedic students, and tutoring opportunities.
Additionally, Access and Excellence is maintained in small classes which allow students to get to know their instructors and each other as well as experience hands-on educational opportunities.
The mission of the City College at Montana State University Billings is to be the College of first choice, dedicated to the development of workforce capacity by providing top quality learning opportunities and services to meet a variety of career choices and customer needs by being responsive, flexible, and market-driven.
In 1969, the Montana State Legislature created the Billings Vocational-Technical Education Center (BVTC) to serve the postsecondary technical training needs of adults. In 1987, by order of the Legislature, governance passed from the Billings School District to the Montana University System Board of Regents, making the BVTC one of five campuses of the Montana University System for postsecondary vocational-technical education. In 1994, the BVTC officially merged with Eastern Montana College to become the fifth College of Montana State University Billings, the College of Technology. The merger and subsequent sharing of resources brought about new and improved student services, such as cooperative education, health services, career services, fee payment options, and credit transferability. In June 2012, the Montana University System Board of Regents approved the name change to City College at Montana State University Billings.
Advisory Boards
To achieve our vision of responsiveness, program advisory boards were created for all programs. These boards are made up of managers, business owners, technicians, supervisors of technicians, technical trainers, equipment vendors, and others concerned with the success of the respective programs they are advising. These boards help us respond to the changing needs of the workforce, maintain industry standards, and provide students with opportunities for internships in business and industry. A City College Advisory Board was created, which is integral to the long-range development of City College at MSU Billings. To achieve our vision of being market-driven, we continually upgrade existing programs and add new courses and programs to meet the needs of employers throughout the greater Billings region. We offer students an education targeted toward career preparation and access to networks for rapid employment.
Partnerships and Collaborative Relationships
City College at MSU Billings enjoys partnerships with key organizations in the greater Billings region including: Billings Clinic, St. Vincent Healthcare, Billings Fire Department, Spectrum, Underriner Motors, The Billings Gazette, and the Montana Contractor’s Association to name a few. In addition, the College offers occupationally specific and related instructional opportunities on campus as well as through distance learning to prepare or retrain individuals to meet the demands of present and future technology. The College continues to develop collaborative relationships and articulation agreements with other institutions of higher education where appropriate. Starting Spring 2021, City College has partnered with Gallatin College and Great Falls College to offer surgical technology and respiratory care associate degrees to students in a joint effort within each community/region. This collaboration is referred to as the OneMSUNetwork ( Students in the Billings area are now able to complete all of the training locally for surgical tech and respiratory care instead of having to relocate to the Great Falls area. In the future, there is a goal to add additional programs to this list.
City College at MSU Billings is proud of its outstanding faculty and of their expertise in the specific areas in which they teach. Faculty are highly qualified with expertise in their specialty and current work experience in their field. A list of faculty members and their degrees and certifications are listed in the back of this catalog.
MSU Billings supports all members of the University community in their individual growth toward confidence, individual sense of purpose, and acceptance of civic responsibilities. MSU Billings’ actions are ethical and principled to assure dignity and equity for all. MSU Billings seeks to increase staff, faculty and student awareness, understanding, and involvement in the international community. MSU Billings is committed to providing an intellectual and social environment that supports and nurtures diversity awareness and cultural consciousness.
Location and Campus
City College at MSU Billings is located at 3803 Central Avenue, seven miles from the MSU Billings University campus in the fast-growing west-Billings “Shiloh Corridor Complex,” near the intersection of Central Avenue and Shiloh Road. The campus consists of two buildings: the Tech building and Health Sciences building. The MSU Billings soccer field, used by both the women’s and men’s soccer teams for practice and games, is located on the City College campus.
Academic Calendar
The academic year consists of Fall and Spring semesters. The summer term has its own calendar. Classes are also someties available between the fall and spring semesters in an Intersession format.