MSU Billings Catalog

Health and Human Performance Human Performance Option Bachelor of Science Degree

Required Courses 

General Education Requirements31
The following General Education courses also satisfy requirements in the Interdisciplinary Core:
Introduction to Statistics
Intro to Psychology
Intro to General Chemistry
and Intro to Gen Chem Lab
Discover Biology
Fund of Bio for Allied Health
Discover Biology Lab
Students should consult with an academic advisor before registering for General Education courses in order to minimize the number of courses needed to satisfy the requirements of the major.
Human Performance Major Core
ACT 498Internship/Cooperative Educ3
ACT 499Senior Thesis/Capstone3
AHMS 144Medical Terminology3
ECP 120Emergency Medical Responder3
KIN 105Fnd of Exercise Science3
KIN 106Fndtns of Exercise Science Lab1
KIN 210Prncpls Strength Conditioning3
KIN 320Exercise Physiology3
KIN 321Exercise Physiology Lab1
KIN 322Kinesiology3
KIN 323Anatomical Kinesiology Lab1
KIN 325Biomechanics3
KIN 328Biomechanics Lab1
KIN 330Motor Learning and Control3
KIN 331Motor Learning and Control Lab1
KIN 364Rsrch Meths in Hlth Hmn Prfrm3
KIN 415Adv Exercise Test & Prescrip3
KIN 462Evidence Based Assessment3
NUTR 221Basic Human Nutrition3
NUTR 411Nutrition for Sprts & Exercise3
Interdisciplinary Core
BIOB 101Discover Biology *3
or BIOB 121 Fund of Bio for Allied Health
BIOB 102Discover Biology Lab *1
BIOH 301Human Anatomy & Physiology I3
BIOH 302Human Anatomy & Phys I Lab1
BIOH 311Human Anatomy & Physiology II3
BIOH 312Human Anatomy & Phys II Lab1
CHMY 121Intro to General Chemistry 1*3
CHMY 122Intro to Gen Chem Lab 1*1
PSYX 100Intro to Psychology *3
STAT 216Introduction to Statistics *4
Select 16 credits of the following in consultation with an advisor. The following list is illustrative and not limiting. Students may structure electives to earn a minor.16
Prev & Care Athletic Injuries
Microbiology for Hlth Sciences
Microbiology Hlth Sciences Lab
Medical Microbiology
Medical Microbiology Lab
College Chemistry I *
College Chemistry I Lab *
Human Response To Stress
Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug Prevent
Hlth & Wllnss Acrss the Lfspn
College Physics I *
College Physics I Lab *
College Physics II
College Physics II Lab
Psychological Statistics
Research Design and Analysis
Research Design and Analysis L
Developmental Psychology
Adv Psych Research Methods
Adv Psych Research Methods Lab
Abnormal Psychology
Physiological Psychology
Physiological Psychology Lab
Social Psychology
Total Minimum Credits120

Students who intend to pursue a Physical Therapy program should take CHMY 141 and CHMY 142 as a substitution for CHMY 121 and CHMY 122 in the Interdisciplinary Core. If CHMY 121/CHMY 122 are already completed, students may takeCHMY 141/CHMY 142 as a Related Elective.


May satisfy General Education requirements.

Certain courses in this program have prerequisites; students should check the course descriptions for required prerequisites. 

First Year
BIOB 101Discover Biology3
BIOB 102Discover Biology Lab1
WRIT 101College Writing I3
KIN 105Fnd of Exercise Science3
KIN 106Fndtns of Exercise Science Lab1
General Education6
STAT 216Introduction to Statistics4
CHMY 121Intro to General Chemistry3
CHMY 122Intro to Gen Chem Lab1
PSYX 100Intro to Psychology3
General Education6
Second Year
BIOH 301Human Anatomy & Physiology I3
BIOH 302Human Anatomy & Phys I Lab1
AHMS 144Medical Terminology3
AHAT 210Prev & Care Athletic Injuries3
ECP 120Emergency Medical Responder3
NUTR 221Basic Human Nutrition3
BIOH 311Human Anatomy & Physiology II3
BIOH 312Human Anatomy & Phys II Lab1
KIN 210Prncpls Strength Conditioning3
Elective (Recommended: PSYX 230)3
KIN 330Motor Learning and Control3
KIN 331Motor Learning and Control Lab1
General Education3
Third Year
Elective (Recommended: CHTH 317)3
KIN 320Exercise Physiology3
KIN 321Exercise Physiology Lab1
KIN 322Kinesiology3
KIN 323Anatomical Kinesiology Lab1
KIN 364Rsrch Meths in Hlth Hmn Prfrm3
Elective (Recommended: ACT or REC course)1
KIN 325Biomechanics3
KIN 328Biomechanics Lab1
NUTR 411Nutrition for Sprts & Exercise3
Elective (Recommended: HTH 411)3
Elective (Recommended: BIOM 250 & BIOM 251)4
Fourth Year
Elective (Recommended: HTH 435)3
ACT 499Senior Thesis/Capstone3
KIN 462Evidence Based Assessment3
Elective (Recommended: CHTH 435)3
ACT 498Internship/Cooperative Educ3
KIN 415Adv Exercise Test & Prescrip3