MSU Billings Catalog

Elementary Education/Reading Double Major K-8 Bachelor of Science in Education Degree, K-12 Reading Endorsement *Program placed on moratorium*

This program leads to initial licensure in teaching (K-8) and the K-12 Reading Endorsement.  The double major requires completion of the basic courses required in regular Broadfield Major in Elementary Education along with additional courses in Reading indicated for completion of the double major.  The Reading Major provides a route to Highly Qualified Teacher status.

Required Courses

General Education Requirements 131
See Gen Ed Requirements for Broadfield Elementary Education major.
Professional Education Core - Elementary
EDSP 204Intro to Tchng Exceptnl Lrnrs3
EDU 105Education and Democracy *3
EDU 220Human Growth & Development3
EDU 221Educ Psyc & Measurement3
EDU 353Junior Field Experience2
EDU 381Curriculum Theory & Design3
EDU 406Phil, Legal & Ethical Issues3
EDU 495BStudent Teaching: K-812
HTH 201Health Issues for Educators3
Elementary Education Requirements
ARTZ 102Fund of Art for Elem Teachers2
EDSP 410Spprtng Div Lrnrs thru Collab3
EDU 270Instructional Technology3
EDU 331Lit & Literacy for Children3
EDU 343Strat for Mnging Div Learners2
EDU 397AMethods: K-8 Language Arts3
EDU 397BMethods: K-8 Social Studies3
EDU 397CMethods: K-8 Mathematics3
EDU 397DMethods: K-8 Science3
EDU 397MMethods K-8:Intgrtng Arts/Curr4
EDU 433Reflective Practice Tchng Rd3
GPHY 121Human Geography *3
HEE 309Health Enhancement Strat K-83
M 131Math for Elementary Teacher II3
Reading Major Requirements
EDSP 301Tchng Stdnts w Lrning Disab3
EDU 355Reading Junior Field2
EDU 413Developing Student Writing3
EDU 418Dev of Lit in Multicultural3
EDU 430Teaching Reading K-33
EDU 432Lit & Literacy for Young Adlts3
EDU 435Theories in Reading3
EDU 438Literacy Assessmnt, Diag, Inst 23
EDU 495EReading Student Teaching6
Select one course from the following:3
Emergent Literacy
Rd & Wrtng Across Curriculum
Reading Round Table
Total Minimum Credits139

General Education requirements are in place effective with this catalog.  Appropriate general education programs as per catalogs predating General Education will be accepted.


Note: EDU 433 is a prerequisite for EDU 438.


May satisfy General Education requirements

 Certain courses in this program have prerequisites; students should check the course descriptions for prerequisites.

Suggested Plan of Study

This sample schedule is a suggested plan for students to follow in completing the double major of Elementary Education and Reading.  Due to course changes and staff assignments, students may not be able to follow the plan exactly.  Students should consult with their faculty advisors to plan classes before registering each semester.

First Year
EDU 105Education and Democracy3
M 130Math for Elementary Teachers I3
WRIT 101College Writing I3
or WRIT 201 College Writing II
HSTA 101American History I3
or HSTA 102 American History II
COMX 111Intro to Public Speaking3
or COMX 115 Intro to Interpersonal Comm
PSCI 210Intro to American Government3
or PSCI 220 Intro to Comparative Govt
ARTZ 102Fund of Art for Elem Teachers2
EDU 220
Human Growth & Development
and Human Growth & Development Lab
M 131Math for Elementary Teacher II3
MUSI 101Enjoyment of Music3
Gen Ed Humanities 3
Submit fingerprints for Criminal Background Check first semester
Second Year
EDSP 204Intro to Tchng Exceptnl Lrnrs (lab)3
EDU 221Educ Psyc & Measurement3
EDU 270Instructional Technology3
HTH 201Health Issues for Educators3
SCIN 101Integrated Sciences I3
SCIN 102Integrated Sciences Lab I1
or SCIN 104 Integrated Science Lab II
SCIN 102Integrated Sciences Lab I ((if not taken in Fall))1
or SCIN 104 Integrated Science Lab II
SCIN 103Integrated Sciences II3
EDU 381Curriculum Theory & Design3
EDSP 410Spprtng Div Lrnrs thru Collab3
GPHY 121Human Geography3
NASX 105Intro Native American Studies3
or NASX 205 Native Americans in Contmp Soc
EDU 331Lit & Literacy for Children3
Apply for Admission to Educator Preparation Program Spring
Third Year
EDU 397AMethods: K-8 Language Arts3
EDU 397BMethods: K-8 Social Studies3
EDU 397CMethods: K-8 Mathematics3
EDU 353Junior Field Experience2
EDU 418Dev of Lit in Multicultural3
EDSP 301Tchng Stdnts w Lrning Disab3
EDU 433Reflective Practice Tchng Rd3
EDU 355Reading Junior Field2
HEE 309Health Enhancement Strat K-83
EDU 397DMethods: K-8 Science3
EDU 397MMethods K-8:Intgrtng Arts/Curr4
Reading Elective3
Fourth Year
EDU 413Developing Student Writing3
EDU 438Literacy Assessmnt, Diag, Inst3
EDU 435Theories in Reading3
EDU 432Lit & Literacy for Young Adlts3
EDU 406Phil, Legal & Ethical Issues3
EDU 430Teaching Reading K-33
EDU 495BStudent Teaching: K-812
EDU 495EReading Student Teaching6
Apply to student teach Fall semester.
Apply to graduate Fall semester.
Apply for licensure Spring semester.